Sunday, October 27, 2013

Party Time

We took Scott to the airport bright and early Monday morning. I was so nervous I was going to go into labor while he was gone. I tried not to do anything and put myself on bed rest. I sat and crocheted for a long time. The rest of the week I have been trying to somewhat enjoy my last days of freedom. I am big and uncomfortable and in pain a lot but I am free from the beginning stages of a newborn. On Wednesday night I did some shopping and hung out with my sister in law. On Thursday night I went to my friends house to watch a show. On Friday we had a family Halloween party. I was glad to still be pregnant so Scott and I could dress up in our costumes. I dressed up like a 50's housewife and Scott dressed up as the milkman. We ate a lot of treats and our kids played with the other kids and after awhile this pregnant lady was tired and ready to go home.

On Saturday we took the kids to The Discovery Center. We had free passes that expire next week. Our kids had tons of fun and we spent the morning there. The rest of the afternoon I cleaned and deep cleaned my house for 4 hours. I got a little nesting bug and went for it. We have all had colds for several days and I thought mine was getting better but my sore throat is worse than ever today. I may have overdone it with the housework. We went to Sacrament meeting and came home. We want to get better before this baby comes. I am getting induced on Tuesday and if I'm sick I may not want to get induced but I'm really, really ready to have this baby so I hope I feel better tomorrow!

We had a ward adult Harvest Party. I was really annoyed along with many other people in the ward that we were having an adults only party instead of having a Halloween party for the whole family. Hello, Halloween is a kids holiday! Anyway luckily someone else in the ward threw a family party Friday night to help make up for that. The adult party was actually really fun, I just wish they would have had it for New Years or something. We had soup for dinner and Costco pumpkin pie for dessert. Costco pumpkin pie is so good! They also had a talent show and Scott did his Nsync dance and stole the show. It was great!
Piper playing in the dirt while we waited for Corbin at chess club. Do you see the dirt clinging to her snotty face? Lovely!

We were figuring out costumes and Piper refuses to try on Gabby's most adorable witch costume. She did want to try on Corbin's old giraffe costume.  Corbin ended up wearing that Friday night, this was his costume 2 years ago. It is so small. It looked hilarious! Whatever.

Discovery Center

Discover Center

Discovery Center

Why yes I do love my milkman!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Busy Week

Last week was a little crazy. The end of pregnancy is a stressful time for me. I feel like a ticking time bomb. I know my due date isn't for weeks but I still feel like I could have the baby at any moment. I went to my doctor on Monday and he told me I was dilated to a 2 and I was 50% effaced. He said all I needed was contractions and I would be having this baby. Tuesday came around and I was having contractions all day. I thought the baby might be on his way 3 weeks early. I called my help and gave them a little heads up. After that day my contractions really died down. Scott is leaving for Texas for the next 2 days and I really hope my baby doesn't come then. After that I welcome him with open arms. I would love for him to come later this week that would be awesome. 

On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I worked really hard all day. I just had some last preparations that I really wanted done before the baby came. That pretty much burned me out for the rest of the week and I've been taking it pretty easy since then. A girl I visit teach turned 30 on Wednesday and she wasn't doing anything for her birthday and nobody was doing anything for her. I organized a girls night and made a homemade carrot cake (her request). It was a fun night. I'm so glad I did that. Talk about depressing birthday otherwise.

On Friday night there was a school family math night. We weren't sure what that was all about but they were serving dinner so that roped us in real fast. We ate dinner and then Corbin went to three classrooms and played different math games. I went to a presentation explaining the new way they are teaching math these days. Woof! I'm glad it's not me. The math problems are mostly story problems and the kids have to write out their explanations of how they get their answers. Sounds like torture to me! My favorite thing in math was just the repetition of doing something I already knew how to do over and over. I hated story problems with a passion.

After the math night we took the kids home and put them to bed and I went over by myself late to the Gabe and Benett soups and sweaters birthday party. It was fun to hang out with my family for a little bit before everyone split. Trisha, Kelsey, and Keaton also came over for the weekend from Eastern Idaho so that was extra fun.

On Saturday morning my sisters and sisters in law threw me a little baby shower. We went to a really cute restaurant downtown and got breakfast and I opened some gifts. It was so thoughtful of them. It was a lot of fun. After that Trisha, Kelsey, Anna and I went shopping for several hours. It was a lot of fun to hang out with them. Later that night I made some dessert and Trisha, Kelsey, and Keaton came over and had some dessert and chatted with us for a couple of hours. It was a great family filled weekend.

I was stressed out and already burned out from my additional assignment to find meals for the sister missionaries. On Friday I had had it and I emailed the Bishop and Relief Society President asking them to please find someone else. They were very understanding and sympathetic and relieved me of that duty. I'm about to have my fourth baby people! I could not handle it anymore. What a relief! Well that's all pray for me that I don't have this baby while Scott is in Texas!
The kids have been playing tons in leaves in our backyard. It's pretty fun, but it sure spreads leaves all over my house. I love how completely covered Piper is.
Silly Piper

The girls helping me make applesauce.

Corbin was so glad we weren't finished making applesauce when he got home from school. He went right to work grinding apples. The kids loved making and eating the applesauce. Thanks Papa.

I got to volunteer in Corbin's class again. At the very end of school they made these glasses from a book I can't remember.

Family math night. Piper kept screaming, "daddy, tower!" while the teacher was trying to present something. She is so loud!

Christy made me a diaper cake. So cute! Da we should have gotten a picture of all of us having breakfast. Oh well!
We made Halloween sugar cookies tonight. Yum, yum.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Happy Anniversary to Us

This week was our 8th anniversary. We haven't celebrated other than just going out to dinner since before Corbin was born. When I looked at Corbin's school calendar and saw that he had 3 days of school off the same week as our anniversary I decided that we should take a trip down to Utah. There were so many reasons to go down. For one thing I love going to Salt Lake in October. It is beautiful. We haven't been down for several months. We could get the grandparents to babysit while we went on an over nighter. I could get apples from their apple tree to make applesauce. We all love going to Nana's house. The list goes on. Hooray for parent teacher conferences. 

We got up really early on Thursday morning and drove down. We made it to Salt Lake by 12:30, a perfect time to meet for lunch at Hires. The kids did awesome on the way down. Piper didn't cry once and she hardly whined. That is the best she has ever done in the car. After lunch we went back to the house and just chatted and hung around until dinner. After that Scott and I left to go check into our hotel room at the Anniversary Inn. We pretty much just enjoyed our time relaxing in the hotel until it was time to check out at noon the next day. I wasn't up to much being 9 months pregnant and all. I especially didn't want to do hardly any walking as it makes me have contractions and I did not want to have this baby while on location. After check out we went to lunch at Red Robin and walked around Ikea (that was a little too much walking) ha. We realized that our hotel room was practically across the street from the apartment complex where we met and we went to the same Red Robin that we went to on our first date. Cutest! 

Later that night we went to witches night at Gardner's Village with everyone. I've never been to Gardner's Village before and it is darling. There are tons of cute mom and pop stores that are most adorable. A lot of people came dressed as witches so it was fun to see all of the costumes. We also went on a scavenger hunt looking for the different witches at the different stores. After that we came home and had dinner followed by scones and gingerbread skeletons. My sister in law Rachel came over and chatted with us for a bit. She is living in Salt Lake doing her student teaching while my brother is in Oklahoma doing an internship (kind of a rough gig). It was fun to talk to her. After she left we all just chatted until bedtime.

On Saturday morning we went to Saturday's Waffles and then all of the ladies headed out to a baby shower. The men folk and children stayed home and worked in Rustin's yard for a long time. Later in the evening we went for a drive up Big Cottonwood Canyon and walked around Silver Lake at Brighton. The drive was beautiful. It was cold and Gabby wasn't up to the weather and I was having a lot of contractions walking so we headed back and  waited in the van for the rest of the group to walk around the lake. Later that night Scott and I went and visited with our friends Phil and Micaela. This morning we went to church, packed, ate lunch, and drove straight home. We didn't have to stop once. My kids are camels and I must be dehydrated because even I didn't need to take a rest stop. Nana loaded us up with all kinds of snacks so we were good to go. The kids did awesome on the way back too. It was a super fun trip as always. I was nervous to go being 36 weeks pregnant. I'm glad I made it back with baby still cooking. I definitely want to have this baby in Boise with my doctor. 

Belly shot: 36 weeks.

We stayed in the Log Cabin room. It was cute. I love log cabins. Scott enjoying his cheese cake which he LOVES!

Cannon grandkid pajama party. So adorable! Look at baby Greta's face!

Gardner Village pics

Corbin's hair! Ha.

This was my favorite witch.

I tired to get a shot with just Scott and me. Ha! These girls of mine.

Kids working. (Love Gabby following behind with a bag of cheetos). Nice!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

"General Conference...Yay!"

On Thursday I met with my sister in law and we went out to dinner and went shopping. Dinner was good and shopping was fun, I bought a scarf that took me at least 10 minutes to decide on. I took it back the next day and exchanged it for a different color (so much for that decision). On Friday I got to go in to Corbin's class for a few hours. I wasn't planning on staying that long but the teacher didn't really have anything for me to do the first hour. I checked with Scott and went ahead and stayed to the end of school. It was fun. I like getting to know Corbin's classmates and teacher. Plus I think it's fun to be in the classroom, I like helping out.

The girls and I went and watched Corbin in chess club. Luckily a ward friend was there with her girls so my girls happily played in the gym for an hour. Afterwards we went and played on the school playground. As we were playing we discovered that one my good friend's oldest three children were missing. Their grandma was babysitting them and couldn't find them after school when she came to pick them up. There were so many people from the ward driving all around looking for them. Finally at 6:30, (2 1/2 hours later) they were found. Stressful! The parents were in Salt Lake. Talk about feeling completely helpless. I think the grandma was late and so the kids (ages 9, 8, 6) starting walking to their grandmas house all the way in Meridian. Apparently they made it all the way to Overland 3 miles away. Don't they know to stay put! Seesh!

We've been telling the kids all week that general conference was this weekend. They were very excited because that means special snacks and treats. Yesterday when general conference started Gabby said, "General Conference...Yay!" Love that. I have to say that most of my traditions center around food. I love food what can I say. So do my kids, they have been in hog heaven. I was going to make cinnamon rolls per tradition but I wasn't up to it. I had a most busy day in between sessions yesterday so I went and bought some more treats instead. That was a good choice.

Scott ripped out our pumpkin vines and we got one lowly pumpkin. Corbin was carrying his prized possession around and he dropped it and it cracked at the bottom. It broke his heart. I told him no big deal we would carve it. So we put on the Halloween music and carved a pumpkin. That is fine by me, just in case I don't get around to doing it later due to unknown baby plans, I'm glad we got this in.

I am sort of feeling the nesting bug. Mostly I'm just trying to force myself to get some stuff done. I washed all of my windows on the inside this week and am hoping Scott will wash the outside this week. I'm also in the process of sewing a bunch of bibs. I don't think I am going to want to sew a bib again after this. My sister wanted 6 so to make 6 different bibs takes 6 half yards of different fabric but you can make 3 per half yard. So basically I am trying to make 18 bibs right now. I will give 6 to Trisha, keep some, and save the rest for gifts. I have set up a little sweat shop in my room and hope to finish that "little" project in the next couple of days.

I'm definitely feeling a bit anxious. I still have 4 weeks left but I just feel like you never know when they are going to come so you have to get prepared. That is what I am trying to do now. I really hope he hangs out for at least another week because I don't want him to come preterm and we are going to Salt Lake this week and I don't want to have him on the side of the road either. Oy!

Gabby wanted to put on her swimming suit and go out in the rain.

It was too cold so she put on her coat.

I don't know what Gabby was doing but in doing so it forced me to clean and organize my pantry a bit.

Painting girls.

Nice painting Pipes.

Cute Piper.

Watching conference 

Conference treats.

Dancing Fairies. While Corbin was helping me carve the pumpkin the girls danced to Halloween music.
Why am I so special with taking videos? Today for sure I was a having a conversation with myself telling myself I was doing it right. Not! I don't know what's wrong with the sound. It reminds me of my family's old silent home videos.