Hello, it's been a heck of a week. Potty training is HARD! We started Monday. I do the
3 day potty training method (it takes me longer than that). Day 1 I put Piper in underwear stuffed her full of drinks and watched and waited for her to spill and I rushed her to the toilet. Of course the first time she did was when I was feeding Ryan. I was sitting right in front of her feeding Ryan and watching and waiting. She started to go and I had to hurry and put Ryan down and run to the toilet with Piper. Cute Ryan didn't even fuss he just laid on the ground like a slug until I could come back and finish feeding him. Love him! Anyway repeat a bunch of times that's pretty much day 1. By Tuesday I thought she had it, she actually told me she had to pee and she did it in the toilet! Success! Usually at this point we are pretty much good to go. Day 3 she regressed big time and we had all kinds of fun times that day. Day 4 she did great all day. Day 5 she had one accident. Day 6 one accident. Day 7 one accident. So we aren't quite there yet but we are getting there. After the first night she has woken up dry every morning. That's amazing! She can hold it for like 13 hours. Sweet! Pooping is an entirely different story. It always takes my kids a couple of weeks to get that one down. With potty training you can give them tons of juice and they have all kinds of chances to practice peeing and learn but with poo not so much. She hasn't successfully pooped in the toilet yet. She does know the urges and she will sit but she just can't do it yet. It will come. We will see what next week brings. Good times over here!
That pretty much consumed my whole week. With this method you pretty much do nothing but stay within a few feet of your child and watch and wait. It's really hard but it's super effective and once my kids get it down they are champs! They never have accidents, they have great bladder control day and night, they take care of themselves. I swear by this method 100%.
Saturday night I went with some friends in my ward and we went to Sherri's for dessert. I got one of their pie milkshakes. Chocolate peanut butter pie milkshake...amazing! After a long week that was great! I had a super busy Saturday. For various reasons I was in the kitchen cooking practically all day. Like I said it was great to escape for a while.
Kid Quotes:
Corbin:" Gabby it's me Corbin, let me in!"
Gabby: "Mom, Princess Mi Amore Codenza hates Twilight." Ha I don't know why this cracked me up. Gabby!
G: "My tummy says, "I don't want any more tacos" my tummy says "I want treats and candy."
Piper: "Let's hit him dad. Come on let's go!"
P: "Bye mom going to the ore (store)." She blows me a kiss and walks away, I follow her. "Don't follow me mom."
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Oh wintertime entertainment activities. It's January right? Winter you are so long. |
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Day 1 potty training. |
Ha. Piper takes a nap in the kids room and this leaves Gabby and Corbin without a bedroom for a few hours. Corbin got something on his shirt and I wanted to wash it immediately. I didn't want to wake Piper and get a new shirt for him. |
I thought I would see how he fit in his exersaucer. He's not fitting yet. |
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Preschool activity with potty queen and Princess Aurora. |
Gabby has her ponies lined up on her pony book along with Piper's Minnies. My other kids do not play with their toys like Gabby does. I love it! |
Piper asleep on the way home from church. 1:00 church you are not my favorite!