On Monday I took the kids swimming at the pool in Eagle with Anna and her kids and also with Anna's sister Melissa and her kids. I was glad they could go because I wanted to do something fun with the kids because I knew I would be gone most of the week.
On Tuesday morning Christy and I headed out for our trip to Utah. She was getting surgery in Ogden and needed a driver and nurse. We left really early because Gabe had heard there was bad construction which there wasn't. We got to Odgen 3 hours before her appointment. That left us enough time to be lost and drive around Ogden for 1 1/2 hours. No joke. Pathetic. I sent Scott a text telling him that Christy was just as bad with directions as I was. I have GPS on my phone but I didn't know what to type in...find I-15? I was pretty much a terrible wing man let's just say that. We were looking for somewhere to eat that whole time and after an hour and a half we were fed up with this driving around Ogden business. Luckily we found a restaurant named Zucca and we stopped. Fortunately after all that it was really good. We showed up at her appointment an hour early and they actually saw her right then. Great!
After her appointment we decided to drive down to a store in Provo that Christy and I both love. It's called
Cozy. It has lots of cute inexpensive clothes. In addition to navigation drama we also had serious bank drama. Christy had to pay for her surgery right then and apparently her debit card has a $1500 spending limit per day. So she had to call the bank several times and try to visit ATM's to get money out. Frustrating. After Cozy Christy insisted that I have a
J Dawg hotdog as an appetizer to dinner. We split one and it was good. When Scott and I lived in Provo our good friends Jed and Kate would always talk about
J Dawgs so I was glad to finally partake. We then went to one of Christy's favorite restaurants
Mimi's Cafe and it was good. I think it's a French restaurant? I don't know but I've always wondered about it and now I know. After that we headed back to Salt Lake to crash at Scott's parents house in Holladay. We arrived at their house around 8:30pm. We had been in the car driving and doing errands since 7:30 am. Phew! That was a little exhausting. We chatted with Scott's family for awhile and then Christy and I watched a thriller movie outside on the deck. You know because we didn't have a big enough day. It was good! If you like suspenseful sort of creepy movies you need to watch
The House at the End of the Street.
The next day we slept in and went to her surgery. Luckily it was a really cool day for July and I just hung out and slept in the car during her surgery. When she got finished she looked great and felt great. Things went down hill quickly after that. She became very nauseous and threw up. The pain started to kick in and by the time we got to the house it was pretty bad. She went up to her room and took some of her medication and then I thought she went to sleep. I left her alone for a LONG time. I would check on her often and I thought she was still sleeping. Wrong! When I finally went in she explained that in fact she had been calling my name and was trapped and in too much pain to really move and it took her forever to get her pain pills open. Awesome! She was feeling pretty good then and we had a Call the Midwife marathon. By 11:30 pm she took her pain meds and she looked pretty good. I set out her pain pills and set her alarm for 3:30 am and 7:30 am to take her pills and went to bed. At 4:30 am I woke up to Christy standing in my doorway screaming my name and crying. I flew out of bed and went into help her. Apparently she was stuck in her bed and she couldn't move for the longest time. She had fallen into the middle of the bed and was in too much pain to reach for her pain meds. She tried to text me on her ipad but she couldn't remember my number. She wanted to throw something at the wall but she had nothing. What finally got her to muster enough courage to get up was the need to go to the bathroom. She somehow hobbled off the very high soft bed and made her way to the bathroom where she just had to sit on the toilet for 15 minutes so she wouldn't pass out. It was after that that she came screaming at my door. She was in tons of pain and a bit hysterical after being trapped and alone. We decided to double her pain meds and I hung out with her until about 5:30 when the meds kicked in enough that she was able to crash. It was awful. I felt so bad. Duh I should have just set my alarm and given her pain meds every four hours. I just didn't think because she seemed pretty good before we went to bed. With double the pain meds she was able to be comfortable enough to ride in the car on the long drive home.
Luckily I had an audio book to keep my attention on the drive home because Christy slept most of the way. I listened to
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society book. It's such a great audio book. In fact I just listened to it over our St. George vacation and I re listened to it again. The audio book has different readers read the different characters and they read with great expression. It's so good. I missed quite a few things the first time and I was going to read the book but decided that I would much rather just listen to it again.
I made it home about 4:30 pm on Thursday. Scott had bathed the kids right before I got home so they would be clean and fresh. The kids had a great time with daddy going on daily field trips and watching Spiderman and eating lots of treats. I asked Corbin and Gabby if they missed me while I was gone and they just sat quietly not knowing what to say. Ha. When I said I missed them they then said they missed me. So good of Scott to watch the kids so I could help Christy. All was in order when I got home and Scott said he only dropped Ryan on his head once. Ha! Babies are resilient aren't they?
It was also great of Scott's parents to let us stay at their house. They were great hosts and it was fun to visit with them and Scott's other siblings. I have great in laws what can I say?
Kid Quotes:
I was talking to Gabby who was freaking out about something and I said, "obviously I'm not leaving. Obviously I'm not going to leave you." Corbin piped in, "obviously daddy is here. I don't know what that word is." Ha.
Gabby: "Mom Corbin's dead for real. I'm sure."
Corbin asked me why I leave the garage door open sometimes. I said I didn't know. He then said that maybe the girls would get kidnapped. He then said that he wished I could get kidnapped because then he could play video games all the time and he wouldn't have to go to school. Ha! The best part was that he wasn't being mean or malicious in saying this it was very logical and to the point. Kids!
Ryan is pulling himself onto everything. |
Gabby. She can't leave Ryan alone. |
These kids come up with crazy ideas. |
So funny. |
There is a tiny gap between the cupboard and the wall and Corbin decided to climb into it and temporarily got stuck. I had to take a picture before I helped him and he got out very quickly after that. He was freaking out and had a major meltdown that I took a picture and wanted me to delete it and said it wasn't funny and had a tantrum like I have never seen from him EVER. He flipped a cow. I'm sorry but that picture is funny. (Don't tell Corbin I posted it). |