Scott's birthday was on Monday this week. It was kind of crazy timing with the wedding that I didn't feel like I had sufficient time to plan for it. Luckily Kelsey was still with us and she saved the day. We got up early and worked out and then when we got home she offered to go and buy things to make Scott a special birthday breakfast while I took a shower. Then she cooked the breakfast while I set up the decorations. Then she cleaned up the breakfast dishes while I got myself and my kids ready. After we were all finished she said there was something to the whole sister wives thing. I couldn't agree more! Wow having two women to get things done was really, really helpful. We then went out and did some birthday errands and then she took my kids home and babysat while Scott and I went to the new Avengers movie for his birthday. Truly she saved the day! I took a few really loud, cold naps during the movie but it was still a good time to be at a movie together in the middle of the day. Scott really enjoyed it so that's even better. After the movie Kelsey headed to Arco for the week. That night Scott grilled some steak and we had costco cheesecake. It ended up working out great.
Things were pretty same old with the kids this week. On Thursday night I went to a brand new book club that my friend and her sister started up. I use the word friend pretty loosely here because I really don't know her that well. We have ran into each other for years at the same activities with our kids so we finally started to talk to one another and became "friends." She invited me to join the club and I did. It definitely got me out of my comfort zone to meet a group of women and none of them are LDS. They all seem really cool and I'm excited about it. I haven't had too many non LDS friends since high school so I think it will be good to branch out. Most of the ladies in the group are Christian so I don't think anyone will be suggesting 50 Shades of Grey or anything like that so that's good. Books seriously need a rating. Just saying!
On Friday morning I got packed up and headed out to Arco. I left Scott and Ryan at home. We figured that was a win win situation. I can enjoy myself much more in Arco without a toddler to constantly be making sure he's not destroying my mom's house or drowning in the ditch. Kelsey was already there of course and Gabe and his boys came around 7:00 and Trisha and her kids arrived around 9:00. That night we had a great time gabbing into the night. On Saturday we helped set up for the reception and just hung out.
Kelsey took charge of this reception and she did a great job. It was so nice to just help and not be in charge this time. Arco is not a very warm place and we thought they were crazy for trying to have a reception outside in early May but that's what Keaton wanted, so that's what they did. All week it was raining and freezing but Kelsey was determined to do it outside. Well Saturday came and it was sunny all day. It was still pretty chilly and windy but no rain. The reception was cold but it was beautiful, one lady even wore her earmuffs. So funny. Hart and Jory and kids also came Saturday night and after the reception we had a good ol' Beal gab. Amanda fit right in and laughed and handled it quite well when we got inappropriate and with Hart and Gabe that tends to happen a lot.
Sunday was Mother's Day and it was great to be with my mom on Mother's Day. She is wonderful and I love her. My Mother's Day treat was getting to eat my mom's Sunday dinner. That will always be my favorite thing. We drove home after a nap and it was so nice to see Scott and Ryan again. Gabby especially missed her daddy and mentioned it several times.
Gabby quotes: "Mom, sometimes I'm a good listener...sometimes."
The girls were playing together while Scott was home and I was doing some errands. When I came back Gabby was telling me all about her Gabby and Piper time and the things they did together. I heard her say to Piper, "Isn't Gabby and Piper time so fun?"
Gabby and her friend Audelia were complaining that Piper was being mean to them Audelia said, "Piper said her favorite thing is to be mean to us." Ha.
Piper: "Mom, you always make me laugh."
Corbin came home from school on Thursday and came and gave me a hug (he's not very affectionate so this was a little abnormal). He said, "I'm excited for Sunday," me,"Why because you'll be in Arco?" C:"Because it's Mother's Day." He can sure be a sweetheart.
The kids filled out questionares in primary. Some of the responses were kind of cute I thought. (Of course).
What doesn't your mom like to do? Corbin: change diapers, Gabby: look at my boogers (Both true)
One of my favorite things to do with my mom is? Corbin: to share (so true)
If I could go anywhere with my mom it would be...Corbin: Pizza Hut
Love my kids. So happy to be a mom.
Ryan folding his arms for FHE. |
It was nice because Kelsey just re-used some of the stuff I made from her wedding and Chase's wedding. That was great to get some more use out of that stuff. That fabric wedding cake took me countless hours. I think I cut out 10 yards worth of fabric flowers. Insane! |