First off I was wrong about getting the job last week. Ha. I just made it past the initial stage in the process. On Monday I spent most of the day getting documents ready and turned in what I thought I had to get done (which turns out didn't need to be done yet). I scheduled my first mock class for Wednesday and spent a lot of my time prepping for it. The mock class did not go very well (even as stated by my Chinese consultant, Ha). For one thing I had tech problems and my sound wasn't working for my headset so I had to switch computers and reset everything up. In the confusion a lot of the props I had prepared were at the wrong desk. Oh well! At one point my teaching background fell on my head. Zoinks! Luckily my teacher assessor was SUPER nice and pretty chill so that helped a lot. I actually got a lot of helpful tips from her and felt much more prepared for the next mock class. I couldn't decide if I should just cram and get it done quickly so I could able to enjoy the weekend with the Cannons more or not. I decided I would rather have more time to prepare. Unfortunately that cut into some Cannon time but that's okay. The extra time really paid off. I got a job offer for real this time. I still have to wrap some things up before I really know when I will start working or how my schedule will turn out. I was so exhausted when I was done. The amount of hours I put into it was ridiculous! I needed it though, hopefully I will get the swing of things and not have to prepare NEARLY as much in the future.
Piper had Kinder Chicks on Friday morning (a program to welcome kindergartners at the school). She had a lot of fun and is very excited to go to school next year.
Nana, Papa, Colie, Rustin, Mandy, and Attie came up for the weekend to celebrate Gabby's birthday. They got here Friday night. On Saturday morning they all went swimming (I stayed home prepping). Jeff and Janet got the very bad news that their house was broken into Friday night. It was a quick smash and grab and they stole jewelry (family heirlooms) which were sentimental to Janet. It is such a violation. Ugh. Very stressful to be away at a time like that. Luckily Clark was able to help. I hope they can sort some of that out when they get home. UGH!
We later went to lunch at Big Juds (yum) and partied at PoJos. Later that night people watched Star Trek with Scott and Mandy gave me a foot zone, it was delightful. Today Scott took the kids to the hotel for a few hours while I prepped some more and later everyone (minus Mandy, Papa, and Attie) came over and we had lunch and quite a few visits from the Valentine Rascal. It was fun to see everyone, we are so glad they could come up and we hope that they can sort out the terrible breaking in business.
Last week we went to a Superbowl party. So many delicious foods. Scott and I mostly stayed in the kitchen and munched and chatted with other non football watchers. Ha. |
Cute Pipes, she is not 6 by the way. |
Kinder Chicks |
PoJos |
Birthday girl |
Peanut Butter Chocolate high toppers! |
Yum! |
Gabby made that Christmas present (a homemade picture frame with hand painted picture) for Nana long ago. We forgot to pack it at Christmas time. Christmas in February. |
Gabby also made Colie some Christmas presents too, a wreath and an R2D2. |