Scott has been gone since early Thursday morning. He has a good buddy who bought a land rover in NYC and wanted Scott to go with him to help him drive it back to Boise. Scott jumped on the opportunity for a chance to see NYC and go on a road trip. I haven't heard too many details yet. They hung out and checked out a few things in NYC and spent the night there. The next day they drove to Chicago. Yesterday they drove from Chicago to Cheyenne and they are on their way home now. I'll be interested to hear more details.
I was sick and miserable most of the week. I have three part time jobs right now though. I would stay in bed and get up for one of my jobs and then get back in bed. I had a bad cold/flu situation happening. I decided to call in sick for my Thursday sub job. I was feeling pretty good on Tuesday until I went into work for 4 hours so I decided not to do that again. I felt pretty normal the last few days. Holla!
Basketball was a challenge this week as I was sick and not up to putting much into it. Plus I had to teach them offensive plays (which I had to figure out first). I feel the least comfortable teaching them plays but by Thursday it was looking pretty good. I have 8 players on my team but one of my starting five sprained her ankle at practice (she is out for 1-3 weeks). Another girl got a bloody nose at practice and literally thought she was dying, "am I going to die!" No, you are not going to die! Ha. One girl is wishy washy and is not dependable at all and another girl hurt her ankle at school. Basically I'm hoping for 5 players to just play the game on Tuesday. It should be interesting!
The school had it's annual Bingo Night. I was not looking forward to going alone but it worked out alright. It's a lot easier when the youngest is 4. Corbin actually won a prize and right on our last round Gabby won! She was so excited. Piper of course started to cry because she didn't win a prize and then Gabby cried because she didn't like any of the prizes. I gave Gabby's prize to Piper which made Piper very happy and we bailed with Ryan crying who also wanted a prize and Gabby crying. Time to peace out!
The kids and I had a Hunger Games marathon this weekend. It's been fun! They have been loving it. We are on the last movie. We are waiting to watch it with Scott who never saw the last movie. It will be perfect.
Chicago |
Swanky hotel |
Sick and Miserable. |
Hanging out with my Ry Guy. |
Bingo Night! |
Corbin actually won a prize! So did Gabby. We got lucky! |
I just let Ryan do whatever he wanted with his card. |
Hunger Games! |
Not so green St. Patty's drink. |
Yum! It really was delicious even if it looks more than a little questionalbe. |
Irish Soda bread, not good. |
St. Patty's dinner. |