Just like that it's Christmas Day! I had work until Thursday which was pretty brutal. Luckily the last two days were half days but still...brutal! I made all of my classes deep clean a section of each kitchen. They were such babies about it! But they did it and I did it. Ha. Making students do things they don't want to do, it's like constantly pulling teeth. I was sapped on Friday. I did nothing between a couple of social gatherings that happened that day. A friend breakfast gift exchange and later that night dinner and a movie. In between those events there were naps and sitting followed by more sitting and naps. I couldn't wrap my brain around Christmas food but my kids really wanted our traditional dinner. I told them they had to help and they did! I went grocery shopping on Christmas Eve and spent most of the day cooking. The kids cleaned the house and helped me cook. My rest day helped a ton and I felt fine and it was kind of fun and festive to make the dinner. After dinner we sang some songs, played some games, saw some Christmas lights, watched Klaus and went to bed!
The kids had a good Christmas. Ryan's favorite gift was a fort tent, Piper's were her squishmallows, Gabby liked her frog and cow stuffed animals, and Corbin got some new video games. Scott got some electronic photo frames that he is very excited about. I went on a shopping spree last week and I bought a bunch of stuff for a combined birthday Christmas gift. I want a new van, we will see if we can find one that works for us.
Christmas breakfast is super fast and easy to make and Scott is making stir fry for dinner today so I get another rest day! We are just lounging and loving it over here. I love that we have snow this Christmas and that we've had snow for a few weeks now. It feels more Christmassy with snow. I plan on trying to do as little as possible this week. We will head to Utah on Thursday to visit Scott's family. When we get back I will need to start planning and getting ready for next semester. Until then, I will enjoy doing whatever I want. I really could stand to deep clean my own kitchen but I doubt I will do it. Ha. Cheers!
Cute cuddled kids. |
So many squishmallows, and more were added today. Oy! |
Cute! |
Anne, (top left) turned 40 on Wednesday. We went to a dinner celebration for her. |
The girls decorated gingerbread houses. |
Puppy love. |
We've had heating issues this Christmas. Recently we had issues and had to wait a few days and they fixed it ($200) and 10 days later it stopped working again. Luckily on Friday due to cancelations they were able to come and fix it for ($700) and it only worked for a few hours. On Christmas Eve they came and fixed it and it only worked for a few hours again. It's Sunday and it's Christmas and we have no heat but luckily it hasn't been too bad. We have a few space heaters, an oven, and blankets. It sure makes it easier to just cuddle up to a movie when there's no heat! We got this furnace brand new 4 years ago. What the crap! I'm hoping someone can come by tomorrow and that it will stay working for longer than a few hours. |
One of many Charly naps last Friday. |
Ryan had to break up all of the bread pieces for the dressing.
Piper helped with the rolls and chopping up veggies for the dressing.
Gabby helped with the rolls, peeled the yams, and chopped veggies for the dressing.
Corbin peeled the potatoes and helped me make the yams.
 | Scott made a Cannon dessert "zebra dessert." The Cannons do not make this at Christmas but the Boise Cannons do. This is our Christmas Eve dessert.
The rolls are a favorite part of dinner.
 | Christmas Eve dinner! |
 | I make it ALMOST as good as my mom.
Playing games. |
Cute puppy on Christmas Eve.
 | Christmas Eve
 | Santa bought gifts that were too big to put in the stockings.
Christmas cuddled Charly. |
Cute Charly Christmas sweater! |
Corbin's only physical gifts were a hat and a China Buffet gift card. He doesn't really like stuff and everything else we bought for his computer. |
Stocking Stuffers. |
Stocking Stuffers |
Stocking Stuffers |