Sunday, November 26, 2023

Thanksgiving Break Continued

Thanksgiving break was GREAT! I got my kids a couple of extra days for the holiday. We went to the park on Monday, the weather was so nice. I raked leaves and mowed my lawn. I hope that's the last time I have to mow the lawn! We mostly just hung out and enjoyed watching Christmas movies together. On Wednesday I drove to my parents house to spend the holiday with them.  My sister Kelsey runs a fitness class in the community a few times a week and I joined her at her class Wednesday night. It was really fun. I wish I could go to her class all of the time. That night Kelsey came for a bit and hung with me and my parents, she hosted her in laws for the holiday so we only got to hang a little bit. On Thursday I rode with my parents to my sister Trisha's house for Thanksgiving dinner. It was so yummy and she had her tables decorated so cute. I was lame and took a nap and watched a movie while everyone else had a ping pong tournament. After a few hours my parents and I drove home. The next day Trisha came for the night. We worked on puzzles, chatted, and watched movies all day, it was great! My mom also made me my favorite dinner, "Sunday dinner." IT'S AMAZING! I went home on Saturday and enjoyed a few days at home. Waking up and going back to work tomorrow will be rough. My kids come back tonight. Yay!

My mom made my favorite dinner in the whole world!!!! No one can make it like her!

I got some sister time over the break.

Charly came to cuddle while I was on the computer. SOOO CUTE!

Such a nice day at the park!

Cute kids.

I got some new Christmas decor for my bookshelf. I love them all, especially my nerd bird!

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Thanksgiving Break!!!

It's Thanksgiving break! It's the most wonderful time of the year! Thanksgiving break is my favorite! When I started working full time I gained a whole new appreciation for Thanksgiving break. I love it because we get a whole week off of work which is amazing and I have all the fun and none of the stress of Christmas time. I started putting up Christmas the first weekend of the break a few years ago so I could relax and enjoy a festive cozy house all week! It is the best tradition ever. I love being in my house right now! Speaking of "my house" let's keep putting that in the universe shall we?  The community rallied around North last week and various schools and the PTO supported teachers and staff with coffee, breakfast, lunch, flowers. It was really thoughtful. With the divorce decree Scott gets the kids for Thanksgiving but I also get them for part of the break as well so I get them for a few extra days and I am stoked. We are already baking and watching Christmas movies. They will head to Scott's Tuesday night and I will head to Eastern Idaho for a few days to spend the holiday with my family there. It should be a great break. I intend to enjoy it to the fullest!

Ryan helped me make some monkey bread.

So easy and good!


I put up my tree and banners in my classroom.

I had some Thanksgiving decorations up for a few weeks. I loved them but it was time for Christmas!

Ryan earned a free dinner and was patient for us to finally go get it! It was a fun Friday night date!

Sunday, November 12, 2023

It's Our Birthday!

We celebrated Ryan's birthday last Sunday. I took the kids to jump time and we had cake and presents that night. He got a pogo stick and he's getting pretty good at it. He is using it quite a bit which I love. He is so cute and funny I don't want him to grow up! My birthday was Monday and that night we went to Gabe and Christy's for birthday dinner. Christy made the biggest bowl of chicken alfredo I've ever seen! She's insane. The leftovers fed us all week! Because of my birthday and Scott having meetings in Utah I got the kids extra! I dropped them off Friday morning and they come back tonight. What a treat! 

Ryan got a fever and threw up Tuesday night so I put in sub plans and called in sick for Wednesday. It was a much needed break honestly and was the best case scenario because Ryan woke up feeling much better on Wednesday morning. All of the kids didn't want to go to school since Ryan and I were staying home and I went with it. It was a much needed rest day for all of us. I cannot wait until Thanksgiving break. 

Work has been rough lately because there have been 2 suicide deaths in the last month. 2, 8th grade girls from the cross country team. I didn't know either of these girls but I teach some of their close friends. We are experiencing trauma as a group and the teachers and students don't really know how to handle it. On top of that a 19 year old with a gun was arrested on Thursday at North last week. He was high as a kite and supposedly got on a school bus thinking it was a city bus. He supposedly didn't have any intentions of being at the school or harming anyone at the school but that was also very upsetting to everyone. I threw out my lesson plans last week and we cooked and watched a movie. We are all holding on until Thanksgiving break.

My friend Brooke came to Boise from Twin for a combined birthday celebration. Our birthdays are 3 days apart. We went to a movie and out to dinner and then came to my house for cake and to hang out. She invited her friend Michael to come and we had a great time. She spent the night and left early to go on a long hike somewhere today. I am  resting and getting ready for the work week. One more week! Thanksgiving break is my favorite. Christmas stuff is going up next weekend. Haters can hate!  

Pumpkin Cake!

Presents! Ryan has gotten pretty good at jumping on his pogo stick!

Kid invasion!  


Ryan's Veteran's Day Program. Scott was able to go attend.

AVID7 Rake up Boise. My AVID students raked a few yards on Friday. It was like herding cats. I was a drill sergeant trying to get these kids to work! Ha. 
I heart Roy Kent! I'm obsessed with the show Ted Lasso. My friend Jenny made me this sweatshirt. She has a matching one. Cutest!
It's our birthday!

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Birthday Celebrations

This past week felt kind of insane. It was just too busy and there was not enough downtime. This next week might be even worse. I am SO ready for Thanksgiving break. I need it for sure! Ryan's birthday was last Sunday and my birthday is tomorrow so the kids and I are celebrating today. I made Ryan pumpkin pancakes for breakfast as requested and tonight I will make a pumpkin cake unless I guilted Corbin enough to make it for me. I took the kids (minus Corbin, hence the hope he will make a cake) to Jump Time. I took my laptop so I could kill two birds with one stone, my favorite! 

Tuesday was Halloween! Corbin stayed at Scott's that night so he could hang with his friends and I took the 3 kiddos trick or treating. We had a great time going around my neighborhood. It was a little weird as it was their first time not doing the exact same loop this year. We went for an hour and they got a ton of candy and it was perfect. 

My friend Jaynee invited me and the kids over for a soups night on Friday night and asked me to bring rolls so I made rolls Thursday night which was a little crazy for a work night but I did it. Ha. The soups were so good and we just watched re-runs of Friends, super sad to hear about Matthew Perry's death. 

On Saturday I met my friends at Kyotos for my traditional birthday dinner there. I love going there and I love traditions and my friends! 

Pizza man! Shark Attack! King Killer Stitch, obviously.


Blurry pic but we watched Gar-Halloweenfield while the kids traded and sorted candy.

My co-worker knows that I'm obsessed with Ted Lasso and my new name! Haha.

I heart Kyotos!