I didn't write last week because I didn't really feel like there was anything to say. I hosted a dinner for my local siblings and their spouses for helping me move and that was a fun night. The next night I tried to host a game night with my friends but they mostly bailed but my friend Lisa came and we watched a movie and chatted and had a fun night. It was a SUPER long week without my kid because of schedule changes because the Cannons came to town. I was SO happy to get them back last Sunday. I just hate having them half of the time.
I got my formal evaluation over with at school which always makes me super happy to get over with. The VP had to cancel on me twice so I was super relieved when he could come. The best part about him canceling was that he ended up observing my easiest class so that was nice. I haven't gotten my evaluation back but I'm sure it was fine.
I have been thinking about switching to high school for a few years but this year at North has been my best year of teaching yet so I had put the idea to bed but the Borah teacher took a state job and wants me to take her job. I initially told her no but she reached out again trying to persuade me and I decided I should just go check it out. I went and observed her for a day last Wednesday and being there made it feel like a no brainer to go there. The next couple of years will be harder while I try to make the curriculum my own but after that I think it will be an easier more enjoyable job to teach at the high school. I really do like junior high kids but I think my sustainability over time will be better at the high school level. It's not official yet because the job doesn't technically open up until April but then I will fill out paperwork and it should be mine. I won't feel totally at ease about it until it's official and then of course I will be stressed transitioning but I think having my own room and more mature students is the right career move for me. We will see!
For leap day I had my AVID students make time capsules that they will open up their Junior year on leap day. Most of them will probably throw them away but maybe someone will keep it and it will be fun for them to see their progress since the 7th grade. There was a deal at Krispy Kreme for leap day so I got the kids donuts and then we watched the movie Leap Year. Gabby was the only one that would watch it with me.
It was state basketball this past weekend and both of my sisters came to town to watch it so I got to hang out with them and that was fun. Kelsey and Justin came and hung out for a bit Friday night and Trisha came over on Saturday to help me brainstorm landscaping ideas for my yard. Trisha, Kelsey, Justin, and I went and watched the Butte boys play for 3rd place but they lost but it was still fun to hang out and watch the game together.
Last night I made molten lava cakes and watched a movie with Corbin and Gabby and that was fun. This morning I'm making my kids omelets for breakfast. I'm going to need to up my cooking game if I'm going to be teaching a high school culinary class. I think that might occupy me this summer. Time to take a home crash course on the art of cooking. Alright, that's all. I'm so glad it's March. One more crappy month until the weather is somewhat decent. Huzzah.
So cute. |
Gabby had art supplies on the table so I had all four kids at the bar stools. Cutest. |
Gabby busted out an art painting in one night that she entered into a contest at school. |
She's so talented. |
Piper hates meat and after a student talked about eating a rabbit (which made her think of Willow) she officially decided to become a vegetarian. I am not super excited about this but she's been making her own food. This is her vegetarian lettuce wrap from last night and she loved it! We will see how long this lasts and how it goes. Time to learn more about how to make complete proteins! |
The family went to the Butte game on Friday night and I met them for dinner after the game. |