I woke up bright and early Monday morning and drove over to Roy and Ran's Airbnb to help them load their suitcases, they didn't have room in their rental car. We caravanned to the airport and I hung out with them for about an hour until they had to go through security. I got teary saying goodbye but I didn't have a huge cry over it and I wonder if it will come at some point. I miss them all for sure and I want to hold Shahar. Christy and I have plans to go visit. I'm waiting for my passport to come in the mail. We communicate often. I'm doing alright with it so far.
The week was good. I went to Gabe and Christy's for dinner several times which was great. I got my evaluation over with. It was super easy. I have the laid back VP and he was only in my room for 20 minutes and our post evaluation interview was about 5 minutes long. Great! The school year is less stressful to me now. We are closer to the home stretch and I've figured out a lot of things I was worried about. My culinary class will be catering to the teachers at the school so that will be super hard and I'll be glad when that is checked off my list. I'm excited to see my kids tonight!
Cute girl smiled at me right before she left!
Last hang.
Elmer's Breakfast
Love them all!
My culinary class did a plating challenge. Pretty!