Sunday, October 28, 2012

Edward and Bella

I forgot to mention that we went to the Boise temple open house 2 weeks ago. It is beautiful and the interior is completely different. We took our kids. I wanted it to be a memorable and fun experience so we decided to use our Tucanos gift card and go out to eat afterwards. Unfortunately the whole time we were at the temple our kids kept asking if it was time to go to the restaurant yet. So that kind of backfired a little bit but that's okay. We did have a great time at the restaurant. We don't eat out very often so it's pretty exciting for our kids.

Our family got invited to a costume birthday party. The mom served mummy wrapped hot dogs, monster mouths, and eye balls with dirt and worms for dessert. It was cute and clever. On Wednesdays in the wintertime we meet up with Anna and her kids at Burger King. This is a great time for our kids to play and for us to get out of the house.

Friday night was the ward Halloween party. It was one of the worst turn outs I can remember. It was kind of nice for the carnival though. The kids got to play all of the games and hardly wait in line at all. They had a lot of fun games set up. I was wishing that I could play. Scott and I decided to dress up as Edward and Bella. Ha. I don't think anyone knew we were dressed up. I looked totally normal (except I never wear skinny jeans with skater shoes) and Scott had pale make up on. I think people just thought Scott looked sick or something. We thought we looked pretty good though.

I got released from the Young Womens. It is sad but it's okay. I have been serving there for 4 years. There was a lot of turn over for different reasons so I think the Bishop thought it would be a good time for me to move on. I am now the Compassionate Service Coordinator which is pretty much making a lot of phone calls. Not my favorite. That's okay. I'm pretty excited about going back to Relief Society, I like Relief Society.

It was the Primary program today and Corbin was the only one who cried and the only one who didn't do his part. I was a little frustrated with him and I thought how can I be frustrated with him when I was the only one in the primary who would cry and who wouldn't give my part. Unfortunately it looks like I passed this gene on. Better luck next year.  Let's hope he does better than me, I never participated in the Primary program ever. It nearly ruined me! Ha.

Some funny quotes from this week. 

Gabby “When I share it makes Heavenly Father happy, when I don’t share with Corbin it makes Heavenly Father sad.”

Scott was talking with Gabby about trick or treating and he said that he hoped it didn’t rain on Halloween and Gabby said, “Yeah, because that would make Heavenly Father sad.”

Corbin was expressing excitement over having fruit snacks in the home.  Scott said, “Yes, what a nice Nana you have to get you guys those fruit snacks,” to which Corbin responded, “Yeah, I love Nana and Jesus.”

Corbin "Mom, I left that out so you could pick it up." 

Last Sunday before dinner at the Cannons we passed some time by feeding the neighbor horses.

Gabby dressing herself.

Edward and Bella "We are so SERIOUSly in love."

We probably shouldn't let our baby feed herself soup and she should probably have a bib. Oh Piper!

1 comment:

  1. I think your Edward and Bella idea worked out pretty good. Nice that you didn't have too much of wait at the Halloween party. Love Gabby's costume!
