Sunday, November 25, 2012


We had a great Thanksgiving vacation. I was pretty busy Monday and Tuesday getting everything ready to take to Arco. On Tuesday I made a 150 rolls to take to Arco and put in the freezer for Chase's wedding. We headed out around lunch time. Trisha's family, Hart's family, Chase, and Kelsey and Justin were all there. Luckily Scott brought our playstation and most of the grandkids played downstairs in the basement the whole time. I barely saw Corbin for 2 days. He was having a great time playing sack boy with his cousins. Wednesday we had our usual pie fest and watched an edited version of Trains, Planes, and Automobiles. Later in the night we also watched the new Spiderman movie. On Thursday Thanksgiving dinner was ready by 10:00 a.m. but as usual but we held off until 11:30. I think we are the only people in the whole world that eat that early.  My mom likes to get it done so she can relax. We don't care. It's delicious and then we already get leftovers for dinner that night. That night we watched It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. Holy crow that's a long movie. It is pretty funny to watch with my parents because they both laugh really hard in that movie. We later played a thrilling game of Rage. I was winning for a few rounds but it didn't last. That darn game, so unpredictable! Love it and hate it!

Friday morning my mom made a yummy breakfast to celebrate Chase's birthday. Kelsey curled my hair and we watch an edited version of Love Actually then we packed up and went home. It was a lot of fun. It's not especially relaxing with our little ones, especially Piper but it was definitely worth it. We had a great time. It was also nice to be able to come home and enjoy a weekend at our own house. That was awesome! Plus I cheated and put up the Christmas decorations on Monday night so we got to come home to an already decorated house. In other exciting news for me, Scott found season 2 of Downton Abby online and I watched the first episode last night. Love that show! I have an incredibly busy month ahead of me with the ward party, Chase's wedding, Christmas, and Corbin's birthday. I may need to take the whole month of January off. 

Piper! So funny this coat is super poofy and I put it on her and she laid down and didn't try to get up forever. It totally reminded me of A Christmas Story. Hilarious!

My kids sleeping on with their bums in the air at my mom's house. So funny. I went to look at Piper in bed and she was in the exact same position. Kids!

Ha. That's right I made matching skirts. I couldn't help myself. So glad my girls aren't old enough to protest.

 The skirt looks alright on me, but I do think they look very cute on my girls. Fun!
Some of us playing Scategories.
Most of us gathered around talking and watching movies.


  1. Sounds like a fun time. Good luck with the wedding and all the upcoming festivities.

  2. Good times in Arco! We would have loved to come this year but alas "no room at the in". Maybe next year :) Anyway, love the skirt. I know a way to make a little girl twirly skirt, and its SOOOO easy.
