Sunday, February 10, 2013

Kids' Room

Well Scott and I didn't watch the Superbowl last Sunday. This is no big surprise. We were missing the Superbowl goodies however. Scott was really wanting some chicken wings and I wanted some brownies. We had nothing! Scott comes up with really good food ideas (I say sarcastically). With our drought of junk food Scott decided to cook himself a baked potato and load half of it with butter and cinnamon and sugar and the other half with honey. Gross! He ate the whole thing.

On Monday my parents came into town for four days. My dad had meetings the whole time and I didn't see him once. My mom came over to my house for a few hours on Monday afternoon. We later met up with the whole family and ate dinner at Pizza Hut. Everyone went to my parent's hotel and went swimming afterward but I decided that my kids were too sick to go into cold hotel pool water.

On Wednesday we had another family get together at Gabe's. We had a potluck dinner and all the food was great. I especially enjoyed Katie's caramel popcorn that I nearly finished off all by myself. I love caramel popcorn!

On Friday I invited Katrina to come over for a special dinner since she babysat for free for us while we went to the temple. I made Cafe Rio pork salads for dinner. I made everything from scratch homemade from the salad dressing to the tortillas. It was delicious. Totally worth it? I'm not so sure. 

I finished my kids' bedroom. It's all done. Scott needs to build bunk beds and then we will be all the way finished. I think it turned out well. I feel like I did a lot without spending very much money. Before I tried to have a girls side and a boys side. Now I am just doing all bright colors. Girl colors and boy colors.

We didn't have the crib up for long but you can see the wall decorations that I had up.

I later added the pom poms and wreath that I made. Those took forever and I love them but they did not go anymore.

This is now. This wall looks empty now but someday soon (I hope) it will be covered up by a bunk bed. Gabby has a matching purple polka dot bedspread.

I recovered their letters with new paper. I took the bean bag and took out all the stuffing and now it stores all the kids' stuffed animals. I bought those baskets from the dollar store. I previously mod podged fabric onto the book shelf. I bought frames from the dollar store and spray painted them with paint I already had.

I took that frame from Chase's reception and spray painted it yellow and put pictures of my kids in it. This wall used to be completely covered with scripture pictures.

Scott still wanted a scripture wall and so did I (so did the kids, they love scripture story time with Scott).

I made fabric banners and the drapes.

This will eventually be Piper's bed. I spray painted the bed frame turquoise and appliqued fabric circles onto the bedspread to girly it up a bit. I recovered the pillow.

I bought a coat rack so the kids could hang up their own coats. I bought those baskets from the dollar store to separate their shoes. (Don't mind how overflowed Corbin's is, I really need to junk some of those).

Scott's "sweet potato"

Homemade Cafe Rio. Yummy!

Gabby:"I like Corbin...he's cute." Ha. I made that dress for Gabby years ago. She can finally fit into it.

Corbin and Gabby built a fort and then wanted to watch a Sunday show.

Piper's almost 18 months. (Still no walking or talking). Hmmm. She does not fail to communicate however. That girl knows what she wants!

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