Sunday, April 7, 2013

General Conference

Things were just the usual around here this week. The main event was General Conference. I love General Conference. I started talking to my kids about it early on in the week to get them excited. I figure General Conference is kind of a like a holiday and like any holiday most of the best traditions (at least for me), are centered around the food. So I made sure to have an extra yummy breakfast. I made my semi annual cinnamon rolls and bought the kids sugar cereal which I never buy. On Saturday I was snuggling with Gabby in the morning and I said I was going to go make a special breakfast and she said with her nose crinkled "I want conference treats." So funny and cute. The kids snacked on sugar cereal during all of the sessions. I guess that's our other main tradition is that we sit down and watch all four sessions of conference. It's a little loud and chaotic at times but that's okay. Scott subbed seminary on Friday and asked the students if they had any conference traditions and one girl says her family builds a tent just like the people listening to King Benjamin. Another girl said they have a major pig out. Ha. I loved that one. That's pretty much my conference tradition.
The Piper Monster, that is what I lovingly refer to her most of the time. She is eating dirt. Do you like how she's wearing leg warmers over her pants? She is destroying her clothing with all of her dang crawling. Walk girl walk!

So glad the neighbors have dogs my kids can play with so I don't have to buy one, because it's not going to happen!

My girls are the biggest thumb suckers. They each have their blanket I crocheted for them and their thumbs. They are addicted to both.

Yummy! I want some more.

Cinnamon Rolls.

1 comment:

  1. As I see it, the only problems with celebrations based on eating wonderful food is that YOU have to cook it. Those cinnamon rolls sound pretty delicious. You neighbors got a cute little mini-dog?! (All dogs look mini compared to sweet Barkley) Thanks for this blog - we talk about it every week. How often does Piper eat dirt? Hope its not a regular thing - she could have pica. Yikes! I think all kids eat dirt at some point in time. I used to make the most beautiful mud pies myself.
