Sunday, June 30, 2013

Baby it's HOT Outside

Scott went to Texas this week. There are way too many complicated details but basically Scott is going to be running Raintree more now. His dad will be working on other projects and Scott will be working with his dad's friend Fred who is the new owner. This is a lot more responsibility which is scary on the one hand but exciting on the other. Scott is smart and capable and he will do well. While he was gone I took my kids over to Alex and Anna's house for a few hours. It's fun to get away when you are the only parent for a couple of days. Anna fed us some yummy enchiladas and the kids had a fun time playing together. I think Corbin has asked to go back every day since.

On Friday morning I took the kids to Eagle to play in the river. We love going there. They have a beach and a little stream that the kids can play in next to the river. It was HOT that day so we went early and it was wonderful. It was all shaded, ( the shade's my favorite!) and the kids had fun playing in the sand and water. After a bit we were all over it and went home. Okay going back to the shade thing, I cannot stand sitting out in the sun. I do not get laying out. Of all the miserable activities to make your skin old and wrinkly and give you cancer. Okay I know people love it, I just don't get it. Give me shade! (Especially when it's hot, woof!)

It has been over 100 degrees for a few days now. According to my phone it's supposed to be 109 tomorrow. Let's hope that's not right. We are heading down to Utah tomorrow because Scott's sister is getting married Tuesday. We will hang around Salt Lake until Saturday when we go to even hotter St. George for a week. Can't wait! (No I'm not being sarcastic).

I love the swimsuit, blanket cape, and socks and shoes. Classic!

Piper finally got in a splashed around. Yay, Piper!

Corbin building a dam. That's as far as he got.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

It's a Boy, Can I Hear a Woot Woot!

This week has been good. On Tuesday I decided to take all the kids to the movie The Croods, it's only $1 on Tuesdays. I normally would never take anyone under 3 to a movie voluntarily but if any of you saw the video of Piper on Facebook being left behind the other day you would know it's a bit heart breaking. She hates being left out (who doesn't)? She quite likes her TV like the rest of us, so I figured we would give it a try. Scott was kind enough to offer to come and pick her up when she had had enough. She did GREAT for an hour and then she was done! Scott came and picked her up and we finished up the movie. The kids saw the movie with Nana in 3D and didn't wear their glasses so I think they liked it better this time, although with Nana there was popcorn, candy, and Nana so probably not!

The city of Boise gives out free lunches to all kids ages 1 to 18 in parks all over Boise. Several of these locations are right by our house. I feel like a hypocrite taking my kids there because I don't really believe in these types of government programs, but on the other hand my kids love it and its FREE! (Although not really am I right)? So for now I will just be a bit of a hypocrite and enjoy our lunches at the park. I try not to go everyday although I am tempted.

I've made a friend with a fellow mom who frequents the indoor gym in the winter time and story time at the library. This last week after story time she invited us over to her house to see her new bunnies and chickens. Are you kidding me? We were all over that! My kids loved it. They have an awesome backyard with a huge garden. It gives me hope that if we end up in a big city forever that I can live in the city and have a big yard/garden. We actually ran into them again and went over twice last week. It was fun.

On Friday we had our big ultrasound. We dropped our kids off at Hart and Jory's and headed down. I was so ready to find out what we were having! I don't know how people can stand to wait. This is the first time when I felt like I had really no idea what we were having. With Corbin I felt like it was a boy but I didn't know. With my girls I knew. I knew when I was about 6 weeks pregnant with Gabby that it was a girl, and I knew before I got pregnant with Piper that it was going to be a girl. So this has been a long 5 months not knowing I tell you. I initially guessed boy but as time went on I doubted this more and more. We went ahead and did our usual bet, I went with my initial hunch and Scott said a girl knowing that he's been wrong every time and hoping that he would be wrong again. Well we were both delighted to discover it was a boy. We are really excited to have a baby boy again. I had Scott take me to a Drive-In Downtown to celebrate. He would not order any food with me. He would rather eat his own arm than feel like he was not getting a good deal. Luckily even though he won't indulge himself he will allow me to sometimes. I had a burger, shake, and fries and it was expensive and it was GOOD!


Okay seriously, he is so cute already!

Gabby wanted to be "Super Gabby" and then of course Piper did too.

The kids had a camp out in their room. They are fake sleeping in this picture. Gabby actually just slept in her bed but Corbin slept in the tent all night.

Corbin got in bed with Scott the other night (I had escaped to the couch  by then). He was in his grill all night!

I finally broke down and bought a double stroller from my friend's yard sale. I like how this style is compact. All the kids like to play with it.

After talking with my sister-in-law Anna one day I decided that I needed to floss my kids teeth. Lets be honest sometimes I don't even bother brushing their teeth. But so far, so good. All three of them are good sports about it. I figure cavities will be painful for the kids are expensive for us. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I hope! 

Scott got home from his Sunday meeting and caught me trying to take a nap with both girls all over me of course. I'm not sure if the picture gives Piper's elbow digging into my face justice.

The rest of the pictures are us enjoying our friends yard, pets, and garden peas.

I am not a pet person but these bunnies are so cute!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day

Corbin finished his swim lessons. He loved them. He passed his class with a check on every skill and advanced to the next class next year. I talked to his teacher in church and she said that usually takes her students two years to move to the next class and that he is very coordinated. It's true, he takes after his dad. Gabby who hurts herself on a daily basis may have taken after me.

I took Gabby and Corbin to the Meridian pool Wednesday night. It was kind of cold. Poor Gabby's lips were blue. I'd really like to try to take them once a week. It's pretty inexpensive, they love it, and I want them to be good swimmers.

I have been wanting to take the kids to the zoo once this summer and Thursday morning we decided to just do it. It was a cooler day and Thursdays are half price day (or so I thought). We got there and I got in line and I couldn't believe the prices. Not only did they increase all of the fees but it's no longer half day Thursday, it's now reduced price Thursday (and it's hardly reduced). So after all that effort we turned around and started to head home. I felt bad and so I decided to do a less expensive splurge and take the kids on the paddle boats. This was a joke! I'm holding Piper nearly 5 months pregnant, paddling with Corbin and Gabby on either side. Piper is whining/crying the whole time. She was scared or didn't like it or something. We start heading back and the chain fell off and the boat wouldn't paddle anymore. Seriously! So funny. Gabby who had been surprisingly pleasant up to this point was in a panic and Piper was much more calmed down as we were no longer moving. I tried to get attention from another paddle boat and I swear the lady was looking right at me and ignored me. Awesome. Luckily I was able to get a hold of a much kinder soul who paddled her way to another boat and sent the message that we needed help. Have you ever been on a paddle boat? It's really tiring and really slow. Needless to say it took awhile before we got any help. Luckily I had a package of graham crackers that even helped calm Gabby for awhile. She doesn't like to eat them but enjoyed feeding the geese. We came so close to being blown into shore that I hoped we could hop off and get out. No such luck. We were eventually blown into a tree at the very furthest end of the pond. Help finally arrived and we slowly paddled our way back. It was definitely comical and memorable for sure.

Friday night we got a Little Caesar's pizza and had a picnic at DeMeyer Park. Afterwards Scott cleaned out the gutters. How exciting! Corbin was his little helper on the roof and he was loving it. He has asked to go on the roof everyday since.

I took the kids to Family Dollar and we bought treats for daddy for Father's day. They were good about keeping the treats a secret. They also colored some ties for Scott's scavenger hunt. This morning Corbin and Gabby helped me set up the scavenger hunt. It was so funny to do that with them. At the end Scott woke up and I kindly asked him to hang out in his room for a few more minutes. When I came back Gabby said, "that was close!" So funny. They were not good about being secret keepers about where the clues were. We had to keep telling them not to tell daddy where the clues were. It was cute and fun though. Thank you Pinterest. For breakfast Scott got his favorite breakfast casserole, for dinner he had pork chops, green bean casserole, and twice bakes potatoes. We even had Costco cheesecake for dessert. Scott LOVES cheesecake! I'm so grateful to have a loving righteous daddy for my children.

Corbin can swim and come up for air and start swimming again.

He was totally fearless and was always the first to go off the slide and diving board.

Gabby loves to wear her swimming suit all the time. Love the suit with the boots Gabs. Good  look.

Having victory ice cream after a job well done.

Gabby trapped in the trees while we awaited our paddle boat rescue.

My friend had a garage sale and had her husband build that lemonade stand just for the sale. Seriously! So cute. The baked goods were amazing as well. She is quite the cook, baker, and crafter obviously! I think that is the best cinnamon roll I've ever had!

Scavenger hunt.

Corbin and Gabby being Scott's scavenger hunt companions.

Corbin actually got up and sang today. Hooray! 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Summer Fun

Well I've had a whole week without nausea so I think it may have finally passed. Hooray! I am still more tired than I usually am in my second trimester. I've decided that I need to be a little easy on myself because having 3 small demanding children in the hot summer is tiring without being pregnant, so pregnancy on top of that forget about it. I just try really hard to force myself to do some fun things with my kids and try to cook and clean too. Other than that I am not doing much. I think that's okay.

Corbin has been in swimming lessons all week. He loves it. He is doing awesome. He's totally the best in the class if I do say so myself. It's a good thing he's taking lessons and likes his teacher because he doesn't like learning from me, (I think he gets enough of that at home). I took Gabby and Corbin swimming on Friday and I kept trying to make Corbin practice his swimming technique and telling him what to do and he did not like it. I can't imagine why not? He has 4 more lessons this week so I will be excited to watch his continued progress.

It's hot again. We had a bit of a cool streak for awhile. The kids ran through the sprinklers and Piper does not like getting hit by the sprinklers. She kept pulling on her suit and whining "wet, wet." As soon as enough water built up that she could play in the gutters then she was a happy girl.

Like I said I took Corbin and Gabby swimming at the Meridian Pool Friday. It was fun. I like that pool. The water is heated. Yes! It was kind of hard to swim with both kids. Next time I am going to put some life jackets on them. Duh! I didn't take Piper because that would have been impossible to have all 3 kids unless we stayed in the kiddy pool and Piper doesn't like the water anyway. I think I will probably take the older 2 and leave Piper home with daddy several times this summer.

Speaking of Piper she can say at least 20 words now. I think she's totally fine and I am going to cancel her appointment with her pediatrician. I  think it will be a waste of time and money.

Yesterday I met my sister-in-law Anna and we went to the neighborhood garage sales in Hidden Springs. I love Hidden Springs, it's this tiny little rich community up the hill. Technically it's still Boise even though they tried to make it an official town (it's a little snoody). If any of you ever watched Desperate Housewives the whole little community reminds me of Wisteria Lane. Anyway I loved walking around and looking at all of the adorable houses and looking for some hidden treasures. I found some sleeping bags for Corbin and Gabby, a camping chair for Piper, a Max and Rubie DVD, some swimming floaties, and a ladder. I got all of those things for smokin' good deals. We have weeds growing in our gutters so I'm extra excited about the ladder, especially since I've been on the hunt for years.. I can't wait for Scott to clean the gutters out (there is no way I'm getting on that ladder pregnant or not). Anna and I continued going to some garage sales by my house that weren't nearly as good but Anna did find an awesome bike for her son for $10 so I was excited for her. After that we went to lunch. It was tons of fun. Thanks Anna, and thank Scott for watching the kids.

We live off otter pops in the summertime. We all love them!

I splurged and bought the big ice cream pack at Costco and a watermelon. Nothing says summer to me quite like watermelon and ice cream. Not together of course. 

Burger King has $.50 cones. Score. We've gone twice this week.

When the boys have to kick in the water they huddle like a bunch of seals. It's hilarious. They are so piled on top of each other that sometimes they can't get their heads in the water. So funny! 

Piper loves to do that.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Rigby Adventure

My sister Trisha blessed her baby on Sunday. I decided I wanted to go. I knew Scott wouldn't want to miss 2 Sundays in a row and so I decided to go anyway and bring Corbin and Gabby. I hate to drive. I haven't driven anywhere other than in town since I had to drive the trooper from Provo to Boise almost 6 years ago. It was an adventure for sure. I thought Corbin and Gabby would be really good since they generally are in the car but they were pretty terrible. It's a lot easier to keep the peace while Scott is driving and I can help deal with the children. It's pretty hard to be the driver and the peace keeper. It was a 4 1/2 hour drive. That's so far! Ha. It's almost as bad as going to Salt Lake and I hate that drive. It makes me think of my roommate Jenny who would drive from Rexburg to Sacramento going to and from school all the time. I could not handle that I swear!

We left Saturday morning and as soon as we got to Trisha's house we went to Fiesta Ole. It is my favorite fast food Mexican place. I was so excited. We hung around for a while and then we decided to go into Idaho Falls and run a few errands. On our way to do errands I mentioned how I wanted to visit my grandma and so we did that instead. We were right by her nursing home so it was great to see her. Her memory is really bad and she looks quite different. She was very pleasant and great to visit with. I was really glad we stopped in.

After that we got pizzas and Kelsey and Justin came down and hung out with us. Chase and Rachel came a while later. We just talked outside and played a few rounds of lightening. Corbin and Gabby had a lot of fun playing with cousins. A few of us went to Fiesta Ole again. I had to get a cherry empanada. The same workers were there so I told them I was out of town and loved this place. As we continued to talk I found out they have a Fiesta Ole in Burley. What! I was so excited, we stop in Burley almost every time we head down to Utah. Score! Later on we all watched The Impossible which is crazy!

On Sunday I got to fix all of Trisha's girl's hair for church which was fun for me. I love having hair to practice on. I don't like fixing my own hair and I'm not good at it but I do like fixing girl hair. Some day my girls will have some hair to fix. We just hung around until church at 1:00. After the baby blessing we had lunch and chatted on the porch for a long time. I had to sneak away to take a nap. I left around 7:00 p.m. and headed to my parent's house in Arco to help break up the drive on the way home.

On Monday we got up and headed home. I was so happy to be home. I really hate to drive! Ha. Scott and Piper had a good weekend at home without us. They went on bike rides and Piper was Scott's companion on Saturday night while he went to the church to do Elder's Quorum stuff. She even sat on his lap for an hour and a half straight after church. As soon as we got home we got Corbin ready to go to swim lessons. Gabby was sad not to go but I decided to wait a year for her. They are so expensive and I felt like she could miss this year. I'm watching everything that they do with Corbin so when we are in St. George I am going to try to teach her. I'm not sure if she will be a willing student however. 

We had a play date to a park we have never been to. These two are about 2 weeks apart.  

Corbin loved this thing.

Gabby gets in her swimming suits all the time. 

I found a costume of the Cannons I need to return and Corbin put it on.

I just think sleeping pictures are funny.

Sunday night as soon as Corbin ate his dinner he went upstairs and fell asleep on top of the bed. He slept until 4:00 when he woke up and said he needed to put his jammies on and brush his teeth. He went back to bed until 8:00 a.m.

Grandma Beal, she is 94 years old.. She is the only grandma I knew. She lived a mile and a half from our house and she was the best grandma. We would spend the night all the time and she always spoiled us. We loved going there and getting cookies and licorice because we never had junk food at home.
McCoy Seth Phillips. I never got a picture of him this weekend. He is a cutie though.
No Piper pictures this week. Oy! Well she's a cutie.