Sunday, June 30, 2013

Baby it's HOT Outside

Scott went to Texas this week. There are way too many complicated details but basically Scott is going to be running Raintree more now. His dad will be working on other projects and Scott will be working with his dad's friend Fred who is the new owner. This is a lot more responsibility which is scary on the one hand but exciting on the other. Scott is smart and capable and he will do well. While he was gone I took my kids over to Alex and Anna's house for a few hours. It's fun to get away when you are the only parent for a couple of days. Anna fed us some yummy enchiladas and the kids had a fun time playing together. I think Corbin has asked to go back every day since.

On Friday morning I took the kids to Eagle to play in the river. We love going there. They have a beach and a little stream that the kids can play in next to the river. It was HOT that day so we went early and it was wonderful. It was all shaded, ( the shade's my favorite!) and the kids had fun playing in the sand and water. After a bit we were all over it and went home. Okay going back to the shade thing, I cannot stand sitting out in the sun. I do not get laying out. Of all the miserable activities to make your skin old and wrinkly and give you cancer. Okay I know people love it, I just don't get it. Give me shade! (Especially when it's hot, woof!)

It has been over 100 degrees for a few days now. According to my phone it's supposed to be 109 tomorrow. Let's hope that's not right. We are heading down to Utah tomorrow because Scott's sister is getting married Tuesday. We will hang around Salt Lake until Saturday when we go to even hotter St. George for a week. Can't wait! (No I'm not being sarcastic).

I love the swimsuit, blanket cape, and socks and shoes. Classic!

Piper finally got in a splashed around. Yay, Piper!

Corbin building a dam. That's as far as he got.

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