Sunday, November 24, 2013

An Eventful Week

This week has been interesting. On Monday night Gabby randomly started coughing and barfing in her bed at 10:30 at night. She continued to throw up several more times until she stopped completely around midnight and woke up feeling fine and dandy. We will get back to more sick stories in a minute.

I can't remember what night it was but Corbin and Gabby had been in their room quiet for a long time when all of the sudden Corbin came out crying and yelling that Gabby pulled his tooth out. Sure enough he was bleeding and had a tooth in his hand. Gabby followed him crying and sharing her side of the story. Apparently Corbin was biting Gabby's blanket and she yanked it away and his tooth got caught and voila' it got yanked out. That was unexpected, especially since we thought they were asleep. So Corbin lost his first tooth! He already has a new tooth underneath so that bad boy must have been ready to come out. The tooth fairy put money in a shoe outside his door since he has the tallest bunk bed in the planet and we didn't feel like figuring that one out. Corbin was so excited to get $1. He said something like "I've been wanting money for years." Ha. It was our first time being tooth fairies. It's kind of fun to reach new milestones.

On Friday Corbin's class had a Thanksgiving feast and the whole family was invited to come. We came with our army of very small children and ate with Corbin's class. I just love his cute little kindergarten class. Kindergartners are cute!

On Thursday morning I woke up and my right ear was totally plugged (more on that later). Friday morning I woke up and my stomach was not feeling great. We had plans to go with a bunch of people in our ward to Catching Fire that night. I wasn't too thrilled that I was still deaf in one ear and not feeling great, but we already had reserved tickets and my brother and his wife were actually going to come over and babysit our kids while we went! That was so exciting. I asked Jory to watch Ryan because I wasn't comfortable leaving him with a sitter and she offered to come over and watch everyone. How exciting is that? I was still not feeling great but asked Scott to pull out the Christmas decorations. I had been talking about it all week and Corbin and Gabby had kept asking me so I decided to just do it. Scott pulled out all the boxes and left for work and about 5 minutes later Piper woke up crying from her nap and throwing up. Seriously! Of course Corbin and Gabby had gotten into everything and pulled it out and now Piper is throwing up in the middle of the living room. For the next four hours I tried to untangle Christmas lights, catch Piper's barf, and put up the dang Christmas decorations that were everywhere. I had to give up and sat and rocked Piper forever and helped her barf every 10 minutes or so. The best was when I was feeding Ryan and trying to catch Piper barf. Scott finally got home at 6:00 to a great big disaster and by 7:00 everything was somewhat under control. Obviously we didn't go to the movie and I was able to find someone in the ward to buy our tickets. Phew. Piper actually by 7:00 had eaten some dinner and not thrown it up and she didn't throw up again. She slept great that night and woke up feeling perfectly fine.

Okay so Saturday morning, my ear is still plugged even though I'd tried lots of different home remedies. It is really annoying to have a plugged ear by the way. That morning I was nursing Ryan and noticed that I had a sore spot. Within an hour I was completely inflamed and it just continued to get worse throughout the day. We drove to Alex and Anna's house so Alex could do some repairs on our car that morning and I was talking about my ear and decided that I just needed to go to a doc in the box. I went and sure enough I have a blister on my ear drum caused by bacteria. Weird! They prescribed antibiotics. I went and filled the prescription. Meanwhile I am certain I have mastitis at this point and continue to try to nurse, pump, and rest as much as possible. I am now on day 2 of antibiotics and my ear is still completely plugged and my mastitis is not good. I am hoping that the antibiotics will take care of both problems soon. Although if I don't notice improvements with my mastitis by tomorrow I am calling my doctor to make sure these antibiotics will work for my mastitis as well. Needless to say I have not been feeling good all weekend and I sure hope I feel better soon!

Piper! She is the queen bee of dirty looks I'm telling you. She got a bloody nose and I wanted to take a picture, apparently she didn't agree with that decision.

Gabby took this picture, I thought it was a cute one of Corbin.

Daddy carrying the kids to bed but not before he's "the daddy monster" for awhile.

We made Indian headbands and the girls wore them long enough to get the picture taken and that's about it. 

Silly Corbin

Corbin lost his first tooth

My Friday afternoon disaster room. That was a long four hours people!


  1. When Justin saw the picture that Gabby took of Corbin he said, "That looks like you!" I don't see it, but apparently we look alike in that one instant in time!

  2. Yikes What a nightmare of a week full of sweet memories...HA! I hope you start feeling better soon. There are so many cute things about those pictures. Ryan-the sleepy bear, watching the Grinch with Christmas decorations everywhere, Gabby-the photographer, Piper and her sassiness, toothless Corbin and his mighty dollars and I LOVE the Daddy Monster!

  3. Oh... little Ryan sure looks like a cool, mellow dude! Not cool that you get mastitis all the time Mitz!! You're a champ to hang in there through it. Ouchieeeee!! Sure loves those kiddos! Hope you get feeling better this week!!!

  4. OH, this is so sad to read. What a nightmare week. All I could think of was that Christmas when the power went out and everyone got the flu during Christmas dinner. Good thing we can look back and laugh a terrible times - it takes a while though. Have a better week this week! Cute pics of Ryan - he looks like Gabby to me.
