Sunday, December 8, 2013


This is brought to you from my phone. Scott is out of town for the week (more on that in a minute) and he took his computer with him. Unless I can figure out how to post pictures from my phone there won't be any pictures this week. I will just have that many more pictures next week. Same old activities this week. Story time, preschool craft time, nap time, feeding time, wake time. 

We had a fun relief society on Tuesday. We had a yummy progressive dinner. We just ate and chatted for several hours. It was great. It snowed quite a bit Friday night (just in time for Scott's traveling). It was a super dry snow though. After tithing settlement I got bundled with the kids and played in the snow with them. We couldn't build anything or have a snowball fight because it wasn't the right kind of snow. Scott left for Salt Lake after that.

Scott is going to be gone for 7 days or so. He is taking a big test in Vegas that will take all week. It's so he can get his top certification in property management. He is missing everything this week. Family party, ward party, Corbin's Christmas concert, ward party, work party, and ugly sweated party. Consequently I will be missing a few things as well. I've made arrangements for some and missing others. I'm not looking forward to going to the ward party with my kids by myself. Oh well. I did take them to church today by myself and we survived. Prayer works because I had all four kids by myself in sacrament meeting and they were all super good! Wish us good luck this week we are all going to need it!

Poor cold Piper. I promise she was bundled up.

Chess club. So cute and funny. Pretty sure Corbin has no clue how to play chess. I don't think he pays attention but he has fun so who cares.


I love sleeping kid pictures.


  1. Justin is in Vegas right now too! He is interviewing for a job tomorrow. Funny.

  2. Good luck this week!!! I will be praying for you;) Good thing you have such good kids. I'm sure you'll survive. Can't wait to see you guys soon!!! xo, Carole

  3. Best of luck! Being alone with kids for a long time is hard, but you're right - prayer works. It's saved me many a Sunday!
