Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sicky Bears

On Monday I gathered up all my chicks and we walked/rode bikes/rode in strollers to pick Corbin up from school. We went straight to the park and played for awhile until we ventured back home for lunch. It was a beautiful day and it was the only day we enjoyed spending time outside. Gabby and Piper have been sick all week. Monday night Piper came into our room screaming around midnight and continued to be awake and crying off and on the rest of the night. Scott was kind enough to take Piper to urgent care so I could stay home and rest after being awake most of the night. I suspected an ear infection because one of her ears was full of gunk. Well sure enough Piper's ear drum had ruptured. Not sure how that happens exactly. Tuesday night was a rough night with both girls up several times all night. Gabby being the ever jealous type came into my room and said, "my mouth hurts, and my ears hurt." me "I'm sorry if you go back to sleep it will help you get better." Gabby walked away and got to the doorway and turned back to me crying and said, "I can't handle it." Ha. Oh my gosh so funny. (She was jealous because Piper had to take antibiotics for her ear drum and she took medicine in her mouth and in her ears). She really was sick with a cold and not feeling well but it was funny.

Wednesday morning Gabby spent most of the morning sleeping. She really was sick because she never does that. Piper was quite perky and much better even on just one day with her antibiotics. Corbin has had a slight cough all week and even poor Ryan has got his first legit cold. He is all stuffed up and has watery eyes and is coughing. So sad and cute.

On Thursday I realized that it was the end of the month so I decided to try to squeeze a temple session in before I had a dentist appointment. (Always a bad idea). I got there at 10:00 and the 10:30 session was already full. I had to wait an hour before the session even started. I had to drive straight from the temple to the dentist. Good thing there was a bottle in the fridge for Ryan. I was at the dentist for 2 hours getting three cavities filled. My dentist will give an on call discount of $50 an hour if you are willing to come in when there is a last minute cancellation. Bless his heart I think he was just trying to give me a bigger discount and take his sweet time. I got to watch a lot of HGTV which I love and never get to watch. Rehab addict, that show is crazy. She takes old condemned houses and restores them. It looks crazy hard and like a ton of work. I loved watching it though. I ended up not having to pay anything for my fillings. Bless our dentists heart! That night I had to do my visiting teaching too. Procrastinate much!

On Saturday I went to Zumba again and then I had to go do some serious grocery shopping. After lunch Scott took the three big kids on an outing and they went to the pet store and the library. We didn't go out all week so I'm sure they loved that. Ryan and I ended up going with my friend Jen to do a little shopping.

Corbin quote on the way home from church almost talking to himself he said, "Wait, I am sick, for real."
Gabby: "Mom did you know that the grinch was 10 years tall" Did you know that?
Piper: "Mommy, I'm so happy!" (Corbin and Gabby built a fort and didn't include Piper, I made them include Piper. While Gabby was in a time out for not being a good sport about that Piper triumphantly said in her fort over and over how happy she was).
Tuckered out on our little Monday outing.

I tried hard to read with the kids individually this week. Man if I read to all of my kids alone I'm reading out loud forever. It hurts my throat. I do my best. Ryan was a fussy pants so I had to hold him too.

Gabby put tissues in her own nose to help stop the drainage. Ha.

Sick girl.


I wanted to take a naked picture of my chubby bubba. Look at those rosy red cheeks and chubs. Love him!

He's so cute!


  1. Oh sweet Ryan is sooooo cute! Poor little sick kids. Greta threw up at some point last night so we woke up to a nasty mess and QUITE the hair do. Sick! Hope everyone is on the ups! xoxo

  2. Um, so I want your dentist. Last time I was at mine I had to pay over $100 - for one filling! With insurance! Not great insurance. We have good medical coverage though, no copay. That's sure worth something in this high cost-of-living part of the US!

  3. Sweet little kiddos! I miss them. I am heartsick to hear Piper has a ruptured ear drum. Love all your pictures. Mitzi, you so such a great job with this blog. It is priceless!
