Well like I mentioned last week we went down to Salt Lake for little Atlas' baby blessing. It was also the beginning of Spring Break. On Sunday Janet made a fantastic brunch for the blessing, the food was amazing. Later that night Scott and I quickly shoved our mouths with some Sunday dinner and left. We decided to celebrate Scott actually making some money last month and take advantage of some willing babysitters. Staying in a hotel on a Sunday night is not ideal but it's the only night that would work so that's what we did. Scott surprised me on the hotel and location. We went to the
Zermatt Resort in Heber, UT and I loved it. It was a Swiss theme resort and Heber just feels like being somewhere far, far away. It was perfect. We had a great time hanging out without kids or responsibilities for a few hours. Loved it! He did good. Thanks so much to Jeff and Janet for watching our gremlins. Some of the highlights were the pool, hot tub, fitness center, and pastry shop. We headed back to Salt Lake around 12:00 pm on Monday. That night we celebrated cousin Greta's second birthday. We went to Hires and then came home and had cake and ice cream and opened presents. Later that night Scott got to go with Clark and do one of his favorite things...Karaoke. I opted to go to bed.
The next day Scott's parents were leaving to go on a trip and we were planning on maybe hanging around for another day, but we didn't really see the point so we headed home as well. That is a long drive with kids my friends. Corbin may or may not have peed in a cup on the way home.
On Wednesday night we had our first girls night in months. It was great. The rest of the week we met friends at the park several times and went to the library craft and I even took the kids to PoJo's by myself. That was a little crazy trying to wrangle and keep safe my 4 kids in a place like that by myself. Phew, we survived. There was also a picnic and ice cream excursion and the kids built a fort in the front room and got to sleep in it Friday night. That's big time. The Hunters were over and we were crammed talking in Scott's office for several hours because our kids were having their sleep over in the front. Now I am most ready for school to start again.
I went ahead and signed up for 3 more months of boot camp. 5:15 in the morning is my new routine my friends. Oh man! The exercise class is super hard but luckily it's only 45 minutes and they only do one hard exercise for a minute or two before they switch. It helps with the surviving. Already after two weeks I have muscles in my arms that I've never had before. I just hope they become thin and toned like Kelly Ripa. I do not want manly arms, shoulders, back, and chest. I think that is gross!
I taught my first primary lesson today. It was alright. I've never taught primary kids before so I think I need to adjust some of my expectations and modify some things. It's a class of all girls but don't let that fool you they are pretty rowdy. Seriously you're 10, get your bottoms in the chair! Good times!
Flying Kites with Papa. |
Zermatt lobby |
Delicious Breakfast |
A picture from the resort website. |
Goofball |
Piper's smile face. Oh my! |
The girls anxiously waiting for their pictures to print. |
Ryan learned how to climb on the table. He's so proud!
Ryan fell at church and landed on the corner of the pew book holder. Seriously boy I need to keep you alive and safe, stop being so wild. I had to take down all of the ladders on the kid's fort because he could climb all the way to the top and he loved it! He was spin circles on the top. OY!!! |