Sunday, March 1, 2015


There were quite a few successful things happening at the Cannon household this week. For one thing Corbin finished all of his reading to earn his free roaring springs pass. He read to me for 600 minutes. I thought the sheet was due March 3, not March 31 so we busted it out. It was super hard. He doesn't love reading and he's not great at it so it's quite painful for both of us. I would have him read to me for 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at night. Phew it's done. I do need to still have him read to me for 15 minutes a day but 30 was pretty intense. So hooray we are done early.

I was victorious on my painting project. That was so hard. Through a lot of hard work and some trial and error I figured it out. I found that I had to spray paint a few coats as well and then repaint it again with the latex paint for a few coats. All said and done I think I had to do 8 coats of paint. 8 coats! I think the reasons it was so difficult was because the entertainment center was cheap, shiny, laminate; I should have used tinted primer, and painting it the color red. These three things made for one dang hard project. I think on the 7th coat of paint I could see that it might actually work out and I sent my friend a text that we may in fact not need to burn this project to the ground. By the 8th coat of paint it looked pretty dang good and I stuck a fork in it. Victory.

The biggest Cannon victory this week was Scott. After 4 long months without one sale Scott made 4 sales in one week. 4 sales. The details may be a bit fuzzy and a couple of those deals might not go through until this week but still...4 sales! Amazing. Wow it was a really good feeling for both of us. Back in January he made a goal to make X amount of money by the end of February or he might have to consider getting a different job. Well the last week of February came and wow success, finally. Scott has come a long way since he started his job. He's turned a corner and has come into his own at being a salesman. I'm super proud of him. He's been working his butt off. We've hardly seen him the past several weeks. I feel a bit like a single parent but at least now it's worth it. YAY!!! And I'm not sure yet but he might even get a bonus for making that many sales in one month. Fingers crossed!

Piper quotes: "Sometimes I like my baby brother."
After watching The Princess and the Frog, "I will never ever kiss frogs."
"Mom, I miss my daddy."

Gabby: "I really want my daddy to come back."

The kids have been missing their daddy.
Before (I had no idea what I was in for).

This is after 4 coats of red paint. You could still see the wood grain, and it was pretty pinkish and uneven.

So I thought spray paint. I have never spray painted anything and had it finish like this. I'm telling you this thing was the devil. But luckily it really evened out the color and deepened it.

After the spray paint I repainted a few more coats and got it to look like this. Even the last coat was difficult to put on evenly. 

After all that I say this is a huge victory and success. Next week I'll post a picture with the drawers in the bottom.

I love when my kids all play together. It usually lasts about as long as it takes to take this picture.

Sun bathing?


A Boo

We had regional conference right after stake conference last week. Forget it, I didn't even try to have my kids sit. I went straight to the nursery and turned up the volume and listened while my kids played pretty quietly.

Piper and Gabby seem to have puzzle brains. Piper sat down at this spilled out box of puzzle pieces and started putting pieces together immediately. I don't get it!
I couldn't get the picture to turn. The latest puzzle project. The kids and I worked on this one. Gabby and I did most of it. This puzzle is more on my level. It has big pieces and lots of different pictures. It's still really hard for me though. I was holding a piece because I knew it fit in a certain spot but I couldn't figure out how and Gabby saw it and took it from my hand and flipped it and slapped it down. Crazy!
I love how Ryan gets right in the mix to play with his siblings and I love his big ol' belly. Love him!


  1. Just so you know, Papa reads your blog first thing Monday morning. Then he tells me the highlights. I am SO happy for Scott - Yes! he got a double bonus for sales in February!!! I know you missed him but we loved getting a couple of days with our Scottie. You sure have darling little kids - they are delightful! Love, Nana

  2. I want your cute baby!!! Ryan is the cutest
