Sunday, August 30, 2015

School Begins

Last week I cleaned and junked and cleaned and junked some more. I am very close to having my house all cleared out. It's very exciting. I even sold my treadmill. I will miss it but it is too crowded in this small space. Luckily we live about a mile from the DI because I took many trips there. I sold stuff on Craigslist and gave stuff away on Craigslist and I went to the Boise dump for the first time. Now we actually have a little more space for some more food storage which will be good.

Gabby and Corbin started school last week. Gabby didn't even cry she just walked right in. I didn't cry either actually. Her very best friend Audelia is in her class along with 6 other kids from our ward. I think that made a huge difference. Plus she was super ready to go. Corbin ended up in a 2-1 combo class which I'm not thrilled about but he does have a very good teacher so hopefully it will be alright.

It was so wonderful running errands with only two minions instead of four. Plus Piper could just talk, talk, talk to me in the car without interruption or competition.

Scott's car was falling apart piece by piece. He's always said that he wanted his next car to be a toyota avalon like his parents. I hopped on Craigslist and found one almost exactly like his parents same color and everything. So we will be twinners. I sold our falling apart car on Craigslist the next day. That was nice to get cash in hand. I had a few people trying to scam me on e-mails. I dislike dishonest people. Well that is all.

First day of Kindergarten. She practically ran to school the whole way she was so excited.

Second day of Second Grade.

Cute school kids. Love them!


  1. What's a 2-1 combo class? I've been thinking about these little school-goers all week. Getting so grown up and learning so much. They are all wonderful kids; with wonderful parents. Well done Mitzi and Scott!. Can't wait to see your Avalon - our 2001 is still chugging down the road. Love those Toyotas!

  2. Dejah was in a 4/5 combo last year and it worked out fine. Great teacher! She gets her again this year for 5. Hope it works out.
    Can't wait to see what you've done to your house.
