Sunday, October 18, 2015

Nightmare Pumpkin

Lets see what to report at the Cannon household. Same old activities going on around here. The girls are loving their dance class and ask everyday when they get to go again. Ryan all of the sudden has started using words and he's talking a lot. He's gone from practically saying nothing to repeating back all kinds of things. He still likes to do it on his own accord and doesn't appreciate it when I try to make him use words to get things that he wants. Everyday I'm learning new things he can say. Just today I opened up our cupboard with popcorn and he said opcorn, ease (popcorn please). His favorite things to say are "MINE!, and OP IT! (stop it). Whatever the big kids are doing he wants to be involved. He will run after them to join them on any activity they are participating in. Even last night we sent all the kids to their room to get their jammies on and Ryan came back screaming at us pulling at his clothes so he could get his pj's on immediately like the other kids. It is dang cute! (Well not the screaming demanding pants part just the trying to be like the big kids part).

Everyday is a pretty long exhausting marathon of a day ending with the most stressful parts; dinner, homework, reading time, clean up, bedtime. But luckily there are cute funny things that happen that help relieve some of the stress. For example, I have this Halloween pumpkin decoration that has straw and other things popping out of its top hat. I was talking to Ryan and I was saying pumpkin and he would try to say it back and every time I said pumpkin Piper in the background would say, "nightmare pumpkin" me to Ryan, "pumpkin" Piper, "nightmare pumpkin" me, "pumpkin," Piper, "nightmare pumpkin." It was so funny! I guess she thinks that decoration is scary. Also a few weeks ago at Nana's house there was this creepy witch and Nana said something about the witch and Piper said, "ya and she eats children." HAHA! Hilarious! Now this is from my child whose favorite movie is The Nightmare Before Christmas and she's been watching that since she was probably two. That is kind of a creepy movie. I may be doing some permanent damage there.

Corbin says he doesn't like school but he's a good sport about it and I think he likes it more than he lets on. The school doesn't have chess club this year and he doesn't like jump rope club. I was worried about him not being involved in anything but then I remembered that he turns eight in a couple of months and then he's going to have scouts for the next million years so I think that he will be good to go.

On Friday night Gabe and Christy hosted their soups and sweaters party for Gabe's birthday. It was delicious and fun as always. Christy wrote a hilarious poem that had many gifts given to him along the way. Some including a Mexican sombrero and a poncho along with a legit Christmas sweater. All things Gabe really wanted. Plus we got to see our cousin Quinton and Stephanie who I haven't seen in years along with their two adopted children and their miracle surprise baby after 10 years of infertility.

Corbin took this picture and it's a little blurry but sometimes I want to read in bed before I get up in the morning and this particular morning I'm pretty sure I didn't make it through one page.

I bought the girls their Halloween costumes and I told them they could try it them on. Piper is a witch and so they are all riding on the broom and of course Ryan is right in the thick of it. So cute.

The kids raking leaves. This was really cute to watch too. Of course I wish it would have lasted much longer. We have to rake up soooo many leaves in our tiny little yard.

We pulled out a crib mattress and  made a bed for Ryan in the kids room and tried to see if he would sleep in there. He only laid down for 2 seconds and he was ready to go back to his pack in play in the closet. All of my kids were scared to leave the security of their cribs. It's kind of a hard transition. We'll try again another time. 

Gabe and his birthday loot. 

Gabby's Kindergarten Picture.

Corbin's 2nd grade picture.


  1. Ryan in starting to TALK?!?!? It's so exciting and funny when they start trying their words. And I have to ask you to save me a copy of Gabby and Corbin's school pictures...if you have any extras. I'd love copies of them! Love the posts and love you guys. Keep them coming :)

  2. Oh I loved the picture of all the kids on the broom. Have you guys watched "Room on the Broom" on Netflix - it is so cute! I bet they would love it. We had our Star Wars Halloween party last Sunday and I kept wishing your family was with us. It ended with all the kids having a marathon light saber battle in the front yard. Greta was after everyone brandishing two light sabers ! Every Halloween I ache to be with your sweet little ones. And I'd love to hear Ryan talking - that's so exciting. I'll be watching for some great Ryan quotes. Love to you all!
