Sunday, October 16, 2016

Scott Goes to China

Scott is on his way home from China right now. He quit his job with Ameriben about a month ago. It wasn't a good fit for him. He was/is trying to figure out what to do now and found out about these guys that buy things in bulk from China and then sell it on Amazon through Amazon. Scott went into research mode as he is prone to do and decided he wanted to try it. The dudes teach people how to do it and organize the trip you just have to pay for it. Scott left on Monday and has been with the group in China since. Our communication has been limited as China is 14 hours ahead and the internet is spotty. He downloaded wechat that is an app that basically sends text through the internet and you can also make phone calls with it as well. Scott would call for a few minutes at the craziest time of my night: dinner, dishes, homework, reading, clean up messes, bedtime but we would chat for a bit. It will be interesting to hear all about his adventures and how/if this new venture will work out. I certainly hope it does of course as does he.

I've survived the week really well actually. It helps a lot that my "baby" is almost three. I'm not nearly as swamped as I've felt in the past with all the little chillins. It's been especially pretty easy since Gabby and Corbin are in school all day and Piper and Ryan are easy. Like I mentioned above the night was my craziest time but it wasn't too bad. I'm ready for Scott to be home though that's for sure.

I decided to try for the third time to potty train Ryan. I've been putting it off forever because I've already failed twice and because potty training is the devil. I was running out of diapers and just decided to suck it up and do it rather than buy more. I started yesterday. He's doing pretty good. We'll see how it goes...

Here's some more pictures from our Utah trip.

Ryan looks like such a big boy in this picture to me. He's growing up!

Some of the late night Lagooners

Greta and Gabby tattoos

I love this picture

Sweet hair pic!

We got up early to take Scott to the airport Monday morning and Ryan was tuckered out later. So cute.

Early morning snuggies and selfies.

Corbin had Ryan feed Lizzie because he didn't want to touch the meal worms. I will admit when I fed Lizzie yesterday I did the same thing. Ryan doesn't seem to mind picking up the meal worm and having them squirm in his fingers. Usually Scott feeds Lizzie but I had to make sure we kept her alive this week. Lucky for Lizzie the kids reminded me to feed her. I don't even think about her because we never interact with her. Spot had a damaged eye so he would never move and the kids played with him constantly. Gabby would just color while Spot sat on her shoulder. She came in sobbing to Scott the other day because she missed Spot so much. So cute and sad. 

Piper snitching some chocolate chips, just like me! Ha.

Hey I actually did a pre-school activity with Piper! Ha. I'm going to try to do more stuff with her this year, I'm glad I have another year with her.

Corbin wanted to earn some money badly so he raked leaves for a long time yesterday. At one point he got Gabby and Piper to join him. They were all outside raking and having a good time. Such a rare and precious moment. Ha.

Ryan even jumped in. I love how snug Ryan's underwear is with his padunkadunk. Hilarious. I had to sew all my other kids underwear to fit them and they were still too big, granted Ryan is older than my other kids were during potty training but still they certainly fit him snug the first two times I tried as well.

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