Sunday, January 29, 2017

Debrief Society

Lets see last week I had my first Debrief Society meeting. There is an online group of local women that are fringe to ex Mormons and we sporadically get together but I wanted something a little more organized. I stole the name Debrief Society from a podcast and we are going to try to have monthly evening meetings. I mostly just want to have it be a platform for friendship with like minded people who understand the trauma that is leaving the LDS church and/or having historical/cultural issues. It was good. I hope next month more people come. I think we may try to do a craft next time (very Mormon of us). 

On Thursday my real calligraphy class started. I'm taking that class with several of my book club friends and also my neighbor friend Rachel. I think it will be fun. It is very tedious. We will see if I can master it or at least be somewhat competent in it by the end or not. We are learning just one type of font. It should be interesting. I'm getting together with Rachel today to watch a movie and practice. 

My parents, Chase and Rachel, and Trisha came into town for the weekend. Alex and Lance's birthday was Saturday so we all got together Friday night at Enrique's Mexican Restaurant in Kuna. That place is always packed on a Friday night. It took forever but it was good. Afterwards we headed over for dessert at Alex and Anna's new house. Their house was great. Trisha stayed at our house for the weekend. We got up Saturday morning and got ready. When my mom came over we went and did some shopping and had Zupas for lunch. We came home and rested for a bit and then went to the movie Hidden Figures. It was so good. My brothers all went ice fishing all day. Brrr. It was apparently 1 degree. Later that night Trisha and I had some shakes and watched a movie. She and my parents left this morning. It was fun to see everyone this weekend. We were just missing Keaton and Amanda and Kelsey and Justin. That's all!

Most of the adult fam at the restaurant. Me with my eyes shut. Nice!

Lizzie got caught in Gabby's hair.

This is my valentine card. You can't believe how much that stressed me out. Haha.

Story time

"Frozen" day at Dance. 

I decided to take my cards from the class and use them as decorations. Basically everyone else's card was better than mine. Haha. Oh well, I get to enjoy all of them.

I bought bagels for my sister's stay and the kids were in bagel heaven. Little bagel munchers.

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