Sunday, April 2, 2017

Spring Break

I didn't blog last week because we were in Utah for Spring Break. There will be LOTS of pictures. Before spring break I hosted a lunch for bunch of my friends. It was fun. I made taco soup and creamy chicken noodle soup and homemade rolls and gourmet chocolate chip cookies. I was just happy some people showed up! We left for Spring Break on Saturday. That night we were able to meet up with some friends at the Cheesecake Factory so that was fun. On Sunday we were able to go meet some friends at Brunch as well. It was really good to visit with them. That day was Greta's birthday. It was perfect that it landed during Spring Break so we could come down for it. My girls were especially excited because they love Greta. Carole made a yummy dinner for us and we later played a game that I am TERRIBLE at. It was still fun though. I'm always up for a game. On Monday it rained cats and dogs. Mandy and I were able to sneak a trip to IKEA. I love visiting that store. Later on we met at Jump to play for Greta's birthday. The kids LOVED that.

On Tuesday we went to the natural history museum in the morning and the movie Beauty and the Beast in the afternoon. The theater in Holladay was just re-modeled and it has some pretty fancy dan seating. It was sweet! I liked the movie, I didn't love it. I thought it had beautiful cinematography.  I really like the cartoon and I prefer a movie rendition to have it's own take like the movie Ever After. That night we were able to go over and visit my old roommate and her husband. It was fun to catch up with them, we haven't seen them in years.

Wednesday was chilly but sunny so Nana was able to be the Easter bunny and the kids had an Easter egg hunt before we headed back home. That was really fun. We went to Hires on the way home. Ryan keeps begging to go back. Last night he said, "I want to cuddle with Papa." He LOVES Papa. So cute. Thanks Nana and Papa!

The rest of Spring Break we have been hanging out and it's been nice. We have all enjoyed kicking back and relaxing.

We hung out with our friends Jake and Lisa this weekend. We went to dinner and then they came over and watched a movie with us Friday night and then they came over and watched another movie with us on Saturday night. Love them! It was fun. They have older kids so it's easier if they come to us.

Scott's amazon shipment is finally up and for sale if anyone wants to buy some of his stuff and leave a good review (if you please). E-mail or text Scott for a promo code.
I finished up my calligraphy class. It's a little bitter sweet. It as fun but kind of annoying as well. I might take another class this Fall. We will see. Here is a copy of my Facebook status about it: I just finished up my 8 week calligraphy class. This was my final project. The teacher asked us to pick a saying and I already knew I would do this one. This statement rang true to me when I first heard it in the movie Cinderella. It's kind of been my mantra these last couple of years as I've had to deal with hard circumstances and make even harder decisions. May we all have courage and be kind.

Gabby made a hand puppet theater stage.

Corbin's Leprachaun trap for school. Haha. It was pretty lame compared to some of the other traps in his class. Oh well. Dare to be average!

Easter egg hunt!

Getting lined up to start.

After the loot had been collected.

Greta's 4th birthday!

Gabby's note to Greta.

Natural History Museum

Rustin babysat while we went to Sunday brunch. Thanks Rustin!

The girls cuddling with cousin Attie.

Strike a pose.

Dance, dance.

Kelsey asked me to make her 10 baby bibs. Phew! I finished. 

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