Sunday, September 3, 2017

Piper turns 6!

The big event last week was Piper's birthday. The kids had their first full week of school and I subbed at Summerwind half day I'm already pretty sure I don't ever want to be an elementary school teacher.
For Piper's birthday we went to the church farms in the morning and got a lot of yummy fruit. That night we had dinner and went to POJO's of course. I can't believe my little Pipes is 6!
Gabby's DIY you-tube projects.

Aunt Mandy sent Corbin a get better care package. In it she included that awesome lizard. Corbin loves it!

If I sit on the counter Ryan has to come and use me as a human bridge. 

Pipes is 6!

I won 200 tickets on Deal or No Deal! It was very exciitng! Ha.

The tickets just kept coming.

Gabby's intricate playing/watching videos happening here.

1 comment:

  1. What darling birthday pictures of Pipes! We love her! Happy birthday Pipes! Sounds like subbing wasn't the experience of your dreams. I've been thinking about giving it a try. Will I die, I wonder? Happy back to school to all the cute Boise Cannons. What's it like have Ryan only at home???
