Sunday, October 8, 2017

Frightmares and more!

Last week was a great week. Work was slower with VIP because of a Chinese holiday so I didn't have to teach as many classes and there were three days off of school so no subbing either. After the previous week I was okay with things being less busy. Monday was Gabe's birthday and he invited everyone over to have dinner and watch Monday night football. It was cold and a little rainy but he still had his TV and fire pit going outside so he was set. Christy made enough food for an army and it was all delicious. I don't know how she does it. She's a miracle worker.

On Thursday morning we got packed and headed down to Utah for the weekend. The kids always have some days off the first week of October so it's been our tradition to head down to Utah every time. I love Utah in the fall. We drove straight to Lehi to Carole's house and spent the evening there. We had pizza and some brave souls went hot tubbing. It was freezing outside and the wind was blowing like crazy. We had s'mores and the wind would blow the flames all over the place. It was an adventure! We put the littles to bed for a sleepover and we played some games.

On Friday Scott and I browsed through IKEA on our way to pick the kids back up from Lehi. I love walking through IKEA. We went to Hires for lunch and the kids and some adults painted some rocks. That evening we went to Frightmares! It was so much fun. Ryan wouldn't go on any rides last year but this year he did great! I had a lot of fun riding with him on some rides as well as the other littles. We played with the kids for several hours and after hitting the trick or treating loop Nana and Papa were kind enough to take the kids home and put them to bed while the adults got to stay and ride the big kid rides until closing. I took my winter coat this year. I'm so glad I did. It was cold, but it was fun. I loved it! 

On Saturday we caught up with some friends in the morning. We just hung around the house. That evening we harvested the pumpkins and had dinner and celebrated Ryan and Hannah's birthdays this month and Scott's and my Anniversary. After the kids went to bed Scott and I went and met up with some friends. We drove home after breakfast this morning. It was such a fun trip. We all loved it. It's back to the grind this week! 

Cutest cousins!

Getting ready to ride Bom Bara. It's a roller coaster ride that's pretty tame but it's still a roller coaster. You can't see Ryan behind Rustin and even 2 year old Attie went. Brave souls! 

Ryan Birthday balloon.

Happy Anniversary/Birthday!

Pumpkin Harvest Time! 

Hannah's B-Day cake with her family.


All the grandkids.


Colie and Rustin with their harvest.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE that picture with you, Scott, and Ryan! And those are the kind of chairs I am holding out for for our porch. They are my favorite! But sooo expensive everywhere I look. I'm due for some kind of adventure...that looks like the perfect trip!
