Sunday, February 25, 2018


This last week was good. Things were really slow with VIPKID which was kind of nice. So far  I have even less bookings this week. I'm hoping some more will get booked. Sometime Sunday night (Monday in China) a lot of the parents book for the week. I subbed for a second grade class on Friday. It was a little stressful. Subbing is scary. You have no idea what your day is going to be like. I've mostly done long sub jobs and resource room. I haven't been the actual teacher of random classes very many times. The teacher left 2 math worksheets with no answer key and wanted me to do them with the class. I didn't know how to do it and neither did the aids so I just had the kids work on their own. I hate that! I hate feeling like an idiot and not knowing what to do. The kids do math so weird now I don't know how to do it, 38+59 is like this whole big tree graph rounding mess. Other than that things were pretty good except for one difficult student.

On Friday night we met some friends for dessert. We had a fun date night with them. I went to a baby shower on Saturday. Today I went to another sign making party. It was so fun. This lady that owns the business is so talented and she can design pretty much any sign you want. It was really hard to decide.

We woke up to snow Thursday morning. Scott shoveled the snow all the way to the school so the kids would have a clear path on their walk home. Cutest! It snowed a lot yesterday. The kids were all gone to birthday parties and play dates so I forced myself to go out and play in the snow with Ryan. Ha. He was very cute. He kept throwing snow at me for at least 10 minutes straight and every time he would get deep belly laughs out of it. It was the best! That alone made it worth the effort to get myself out in the snow.

Here's a link to a Colie recap video.

The girls hugging cousin Greta before she left. Cute!

Gabby opening presents

Papa and Ryan at PoJos.

Baby shower. It was really cute and the food was yummers. 


Ryan loves to run out in his bare feet.

He also loves to eat the snow.

Scott shoveling the path to school.

Ryan and mommy snow time.

So many cute laughs out of him.

My latest sign. I couldn't think of where to put a sign in my house so I made one for the porch. I can't wait to hang it up and hang out there. It might be awhile...

1 comment:

  1. Cutest Scott! What a guy ❤️ and cutest Ryan 😆 He is the funniest! And I LOVE your sign! I wish I could live up there and come with you to stuff like that. You always find the coolest stuff to do. So FUN!!!!
