Sunday, April 15, 2018

B-Ball Season Ends

Last Sunday a cute little kitten came into our yard. He stayed all day. He was back the next morning. The kids continued to play with him like crazy. He had a collar and we called the owners but Scott waited until the kids got home from school so they could say good-bye. It was so fun watching the kids play with the cat that it almost made me want to get one, ALMOST but not really in a million years. Another adorable lost kitten is welcome to come play for a couple of days anytime. 

It was the end of the basketball season last week. We had games on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. We won our games on Monday and Tuesday and lost our last game. Darn! Every game we lost though my girls played hard the whole time and didn't give up which was awesome. It was really fun to see the amount of progress they made in such a short time. It was a blast and I will miss it. On Wednesday we had a pizza party after practice. Scott came with our kids and brought the pizzas. 

I thought I might start coaching track because they were wanting more help but then they realized they were 20 kids shy of having another paid coach so I turned that down. I can't justify that amount of time for free. I think I am going to help out once a week just to get to know the head coach and maybe get my foot in the door for next year. 

We didn't really do anything over the weekend. I am continuing to get some spring cleaning done. Yesterday I sprayed off the house and washed the windows inside and out. Kids seem to be drawn to clean windows like a moth to a flame, but the windows looked amazing for a few minutes at least. 

The kids had so much fun with Little Nemo.

Our friends belated Easter dinner. The food was AMAZING! Yum 

Look at that carrot cake!
Scott and the kids at the game Tuesday night. It was a blowout 40-10.

End of season pic.
We were trying to do a silly face and I just died laughing instead because I hate doing silly face. 

Ryan fell asleep during our movie night.

I found this from one of Corbin's school projects. I'm pretty sure I've already posted it but I figured better safe than sorry. 

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