Sunday, October 28, 2018


We had an eventful week last week. I only had two basketball practices due to parent teacher conferences. I'm guessing tomorrow's practice might be rough! We also have our first game this week. I'm nervous! I still haven't decided who I'm going to start or how I'll rotate the girls as far as playing time is concerned. It should be interesting.

Scott was in Utah for work training all week and the kids had two days off of school because of parent teacher conferences so I decided to take the kids down to Utah for a visit. Even though we saw everyone at Disneyland it's not the same as being at Nana and Papa's house or sleeping over at Colie and Rustin's house. The kids were definitely ready for a Utah visit. I headed down around lunch time on Thursday. The drive was long but okay. That night Rustin built a campfire and the kids told ghost stories and roasted marshmallows. They had the best time! 

On Friday the kids mostly played in the backyard all morning or watched shows. We went to Hires for lunch. Yum! I ended up going on two walks that day. Utah is SOOO beautiful in the fall. That evening was Nana's coco party. The food was de-lish! Afterwards we painted skulls, played a game and sang karaoke. 

On Saturday we picked boxes of apples from Papa's tree. We just enjoyed the beautiful weather all day. That evening I had to work because of stupid Dada (two more weeks). I crashed Clark's girlfriend's apartment because I figured that would be the best place for me to work. I ended up spending the night and taught for Gogo kid this morning. Now I need to pack up all of my teaching stuff and head back to the Cannons to pack up and go home. 

It was a great relaxing trip. Now back to crazy town!

Gabby made this out of card board and I wasn't sure if I ever took a picture. 

Ryan drew this picture. Gabby says she didn't help him with his letters. Not bad!


Corbin had the scariest voice when he told his spooky story.

Papa pushing Ryan and Greta on the swing.

Hires and Gabby's amazing long straw.

Coco party


Decorating Skeletons





Corbin's creepy shrimp fingers.

We had a mini Ryan birthday celebration.

I love this picture so much!

Ryan loves beanie boos!
My makeshift classroom away from home.

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