I survived my week just fine. I was very tired on Wednesday and decided to skip book club but my sub days on Thursday and Friday were easy peasy. I subbed for the head of the PE department and he's also the athletic director plus a teacher so he has 3 prep periods plus lunch! I had to teach 4 classes. His last two periods were prep periods and I asked the lady at the front if I was needed anywhere else and she told me no and to go home! It was AWESOME! I had to come back on Thursday for cross country practice but I had time to go home and make dinner, do my lesson plans, and take a quick power nap. Best sub job ever!
Scott is making progress with the shed. All of the insulation is almost in. Woot!
On Friday night I had to go to a special cross country meet for our top runners. Over 700 runners ran and they had runners from 15 states. I'm not sure if those numbers include the high school or just middle school. Regardless it was a big race. Our top boy got 6th which is really good AND our boys team got 2nd place overall out of 39 schools. Super awesome! That was exciting.
I've decided I want to paint a kitchen table set for my friend. I've been on the hunt all weekend for tables and chairs. I couldn't find 4 chairs I liked so I'm doing different styles. I'm hoping it will be a cute eclectic look. I want it done by October 5th so I need to get my butt in gear.
I got this email from Piper's teacher:
Good morning,
I just wanted to touch base with you about sweet Ms. Piper. Last week a student destroyed some of our erasers for our whiteboards. Yesterday Piper came up to me and gave me a dollar and told me she wanted to help pay for those erasers. I just wanted to let you know how much that touched my heart. It was the kindest thing a student has ever done for me.
I have the dollar safe in my room is there a way I can give it to you and it can somehow find its way back to Ms. Piper without her thinking I do not want it? Her act of kindness was worth so much more to me then those erasers.
Please let me know if you have an idea on how I can get it back to you.
Also thank you for raising such kind, hardworking, children.
Miss Newhouse
That was really sweet to hear about cute Pipes. Alright that's about it.
Scott working... |
Gabby and me watching him work. |
Lana and me at the race. |
Our 2nd place boys team. |
Gabby helped me sand my project table. |