Sunday, September 8, 2019

It Begins

Monday (Labor Day) was Piper's actual birthday. As per tradition we went to Pojos and Five Guys before the Cannons headed back to Utah. We always have a good time when the Cannons come to town.

I have officially began the crazy town schedule. I originally was only going to sub on Fridays because I don't coach on Fridays, but it's so hard to turn away jobs if I can do it. I worked at Lowell Scott everyday last week half day. It was a decent sub job and they are looking for someone to fill the position (para). I thought about taking it for a bit but I decided that at this point I just enjoy the flexibility of subbing. I don't want to be locked into a 5 days a week schedule. I only ran into Corbin one time all week! It was still pretty fun though even if it was just once. He's adjusting to Middle School just fine.

The three littles had to get themselves off to school each day. Scott and I both had to leave before they did. They did fine except when I came home one day to see the sliding door open and our cute bunny perched outside with her little paws in the door frame. She's a good little bunny. I was curious to see what outfits Ryan picked for himself each day. He did pretty good!

I'm so excited the weather is cooling down! Cross country practice has been hot! It was so hot at the meet last week. I had to record scores and sweat was just rolling down the back of my knees. Gross!

We just hung around this weekend. I got a lot of house and yard work done. I also menu planned and did the grocery shopping, Such a relief to have that done, I really have to have it planned out well to figure out how to get dinner on the table when I'm juggling all of these part time jobs. So far so good. It's only been a week but still! Ha.

Well that's about it!
Piper's Pojos spoils

I won the grand prize 200 tickets on Deal or no Deal. It was down to 20 tickets or 200 tickets, the bank offered me 110 tickets...NO DEAL! I won! Woot! 

Cute bunny staying outside when the kids left the door open. 

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