Sunday, January 5, 2020

Winter Break

Winter break is almost over. It flew by. We drove home from Utah on Monday. It was a fun short visit. My favorite part of that trip was playing card games and watching some shows with Scott. For New Years Eve we went over to the Miller's house. We had intended to play games but the kids were having too much fun playing upstairs and we just ended up mostly stuffing our faces and chatting. We did squeeze a game of Heads Up in. We didn't really do anything special on New Years Day. I took down the Christmas decorations. 

We bought a GIANT TV for the shed. Scott figured out how to hang it up along with a sound bar that he is very pleased with. I think we will go watch a show in there later tonight. Can't wait!

I took a 2 week break from online teaching. It's been so nice. That's the longest break I've taken since I started almost 3 years ago. Waking up early tomorrow is going to be rough! 

The kids have mostly been total vegetables playing roblox and whatever else. There's been some crafting here and there and some play dates as well. They have been loving the break. We've also watched a lot of movies. I love that my kids are getting old enough to start watching good movies with us. It's so fun. 

Our rats were delivered on Monday night. Gabby was so excited after the initial disappointment that one of the rats was not one she had picked out. She quickly got over it. Two days later we woke up to only having one rat in the cage. How fun to discover the holes in the cage were big enough for them to escape! Somehow it wasn't as worrisome for a pet rat to be loose in the house verses a non pet rat. I didn't have a chance to buy a non lethal rat trap before little Phoebe came out from under the couch. I yelled for Gabby and she came in and was able to get her easily. She just crawled into Gabby's hand. Phew! We put some rocks in the cage to block the holes and so far the rats have stayed contained. Fingers Crossed! I really don't mind them except for the smell. I have a sensitive nose and we cleaned out the cage YESTERDAY and it smells today. Yuck. 
I love when Ryan puts his blanket on his head! Ha.

Checking out the new rats in their cage.

Gabby loves her rats!

Piper dressed up as a zombie cheerleader on New Years Eve! I love how she posed for the picture! Ha.

Gabby made this map of Idaho for school. We didn't want to keep it so we took a picture so we can always remember it.

I love seeing Ryan's drawings. So funny. This is showing step by step movements of this guy through a maze? Who knows? Ha.

The kids ringing in the New Year (with New York City at 10:00, ha). 

Piper hair cut. She LOVES it.

Hope it's not too early to decorate for Chinese New Year because I did! Also it's the year of the rat. Perfect! Ha.

Gabby haircut, she LOVES it. 

I made new pillows for the shed and bought a rug. This rug might be too small. I might get a different one. I love it though so I'm torn. 

Check out that TV. It's so nice! I'm keeping the Christmas tree up for a bit in there. It's too cute.

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