Sunday, September 20, 2020

Four Full Weeks

 I just finished four weeks at my job. I can't believe it! It's been crazy. I feel like for the most part I'm over the least for now. The plan is for the kids to come back part time October 19th. I feel like when they come back it will be a brand new set of challenges. I won't worry about that until it happens. I am still scrambling with my lesson plans (not quite sure what I'm teaching tomorrow) and I'm not very advanced technology wise. Some teachers go all out with the technology. When I have some spare moments I try to figure some things out here and there and I'm not successful. I have to have people just show me how to do things. I watched three different YouTube tutorials for google breakout rooms with no success. At a certain point it really isn't worth my time and I can do things without the fancy bells and whistles. I'll keep dabbling when I care. Ha.

Scott bought 5 new fruit trees. He's a nut! I need to finish touching up the paint so he can plant them. Speaking of  I hired the sides to be painted and they look pretty good. The one side however does not look good. It was so sun damaged that 3 coats was not enough. Really the side needed to be sanded and painted by hand to be done properly. That would cost so much money I think. I'm glad he did the bulk of the work I don't have regrets about hiring him at all. I am just filling in the rough spots (most of it) with my paint brush. It doesn't look great but it definitely looks better. I'll probably finish today. I was going to paint this morning but it's pretty cold so I thought I'll knock out my blog and some lesson planning first.

The kids went back to school every other day last week. They loved it when they were in person. Now when they are at home it's more of a disaster. Before the teacher was on the computer instructing them and now she's teaching live students so there's just instructions in TEAMS. Not great. Oh well it is what it is. I will just have to help Ryan after work.  

Well I think that's it! 

Okay update. I finished painting that side. It looks so much better. He didn't even hammer in nails that were sticking way out or calk any giant cracks. I did my best without going too high and not being a pro. It looks WAY better.

My work has popcorn on Fridays! Actually this kind of popcorn is not my favorite but hey I like that they do it. 

This side looks pretty good and I'll probably leave it alone. Ha. I do think I will paint the trim black on the little house popping out.

This is the before and by before I mean before the painter did anything. Also before Scott ripped out half of that vegetation to plant other trees. It's really hard to tell in picture how bad the paint looks.

This is a close up of after the painter finished. You can see how much exposed wood you still see and how bad it looks. Or maybe you can't. It's hard to show in picture. I'll take a picture of the whole side after when I'm done touching it up. 

After. Much, much, better. Totally worth the extra hours.

After. It's hard to tell but it looks MUCH better.

Harvest time.


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