Sunday, November 1, 2020

Ryan's B-day and Halloween!

This last week was really good. It was so great to know my jury duty was done for the week Sunday night! I was also extra prepared for the week knowing I could be gone. It made my week go very smoothly and stress-free ish...I am working at a school with students during a pandemic with my own kids to worry about as well. But you know. We made baked jack o lantern quesadillas in my high school classes. It's annoying to cook in those classes because hardly any of the kids will eat. The girls in particular. Ugh. I hate wasting food so I took their quesadillas and ate them for lunch the next day. Ha. In the Junior High, we made fruit tarts, cake in a mug, and mummy sausages. 

It was Ryan's birthday on Thursday. We had the perfect storm where I had a half-day off due to high school testing, Scott had a day off, and the kids had remote school at home that day! Miracle. We went to Burger King for lunch and decided to brave Pojos. It was basically empty. The kids had a fun time there as usual. They like it better when the Utah Cannons come because they get more tokens and more people to party with. That night we had corn dogs for dinner as requested and then some cake and ice cream. The Millers came by to give Ryan a gift and shared some cake with us.

Friday night we had a small Halloween party at my friend Krista's house. She is the party queen and goes all out. Her invitation came in the mail. It was a bird's nest with an egg we had to crack to read the message inside. We chatted, played a game, and watched a scary movie. Everyone's costumes were so fun. We didn't take a group pic darn it.! 

For Halloween, we had Idaho Pizza Company's bread twists. SO YUMMY! We carved ONE pumpkin. I made everyone help. We got ready and headed out to trick or treat. I didn't feel unsafe taking my kids trick or treating. We wore masks and went to the houses with lights on. Our usual loop had much fewer participating people so we ended up doing an extra loop. The kids got more candy than they normally do. It was a super fun night! 

The weather today has been SO beautiful. I love fall days so much! I also love saying SO 1,000 times. Peace! 

I forced the potatoes outside. Such a nice day!

Scott carved the face.

Last-minute we had a costume change and panic. Scott found Corbin's old ninja costume. It was PERFECT! Ryan was so cute and he ran right over and busted out a ninja pose all of his own. Ha. 

I think this is Corbin's 3rd year wearing his Scream costume. He didn't even wear the scary mask that goes with it. Whatever, it works! 

Piper wore her adorable witch costume again. It's so cute and the hat is EXTRA! 

Gabby was a fancy vampire. 

Everyone getting some guts out.

Scott and I dressed up as Bert Macklin and Janet Snakehole from Parks and Rec.  


The drinks! 

I got to hold Jaynee's one-month-old Henry. He is so cute! 

BK lunch!

Picking out prizes at Pojos.

Ryan opening his present. That face! I can't believe he's 7!!!!

Scott giving Clover an oil bath treatment. Clover keeps getting mites. 

Baked Jack o Lantern Quesadillas. 


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