Sunday, March 21, 2021

It's Spring Break Y'all!

 Phew! I made it to Spring Break. I'm not going to lie this school year has been tough! I feel like it's been a marathon and I've had to pace myself every day. I'm nearing the end. I think there are 8 weeks of school after this. I have no idea what I will teach yet. I don't even know what I'm teaching next week. Oy! They posted my test scores and I did indeed pass officially. They gave a break down on how I did on each section and I got perfect or nearly perfect scores in food and nutrition, housing and interior design, and foundations of family consumer education. I did well enough in the other categories except for textiles, fashion and apparel. I only got 4 out of 11 questions right. I'm still kind of in shock with how well I did on that test and it's a huge relief to be done. I'm really glad I took it already and passed because it will be helpful on my resume. I've decided to go ahead and fill out the paper work for applications in case there isn't a job for me at North next year. Right now I'm gathering my letters of recommendation and need to update my resume and all the things. UGH! Talk about burn out. I'm so tired of doing all the things...

For Spring Break I want to do nothing! I want to rest and relax as much as possible. I have some work to do and I want to try to do something fun with the kids. I think we will go to Wahooz one day and we do get to dog sit for another friend this weekend so that will be entertaining for my kids. 

I plan to do lots of laundry. Our dryer died again 3 weeks ago and I am so over it! We've gone through so many crappy used washers and dryers. We went and bought a new set at Home Depot but because of Corona Virus everything is on back order. So on top of everything else the last few weeks I've only been able to do minimal laundry and take it to my friend's house to use her dryer. ANNOYING! We got our new set yesterday and they are so nice! Yay! I've never been more excited about doing laundry. 

Last night I went with my friend Lisa to watch her daughters dance at state. It was fun. Her girls are crazy good dancers. They got second in every dance and second over all. Curse you Eagle! I wonder if Gabby will do dance in high school. They have to be SO good! It will be interesting. Centennial has a good dance team. 

Alright well that's all. I have some relaxing to do.

It was read week and they had dress up days. One day was dress up like your favorite character. I'm proud of Piper because she made this hat by herself with cardboard. She was determined! I helped her paint and put on the stripes. 

Ryan is getting speech therapy at school. He seems to have weak tongue and lip muscles so we have exercises to do at home.

Gardening season is upon us! 

Gabby is a great errand buddy. 

How do we have space for more trees? Unknown. 

Lisa and I at state dance.


1 comment:

  1. Cutest! Go RyGuy! Congrats on passing your tests Mitz! I'm not surprised you did so well. You're amazing ❤️
