Sunday, January 29, 2023

It's Still January

In honor of how January is the longest coldest month we hosted a January sucks party and had a game night last night with our friends. I love playing games and we definitely don't play enough games. It was fun. It's still January...but it's getting closer to the end. Not that February is much better but it's progress toward spring. So far this semester is way better than last. I'm hoping that continues. It makes a HUGE difference. I'm doing a lot of stuff for my school club (that I'm required to run). I hate doing extra stuff. We are trying to make money at games so we will be staying after to sell concessions at games at least once a  week for the next several weeks. I'll be curious to see how this fundraiser does. Fundraising is one of our club requirements. Yippee. 

I've invited some parent volunteers to come and have my classes cook their family recipes for the family unit. My first parent comes in this week. It's a great idea but the reality is always more challenging. I've been trying to get a recipe from this parent for awhile so I can get the supplies. So fun. I figure if a parent falls through we always have supplies for chocolate chip cookies and I will just have my classes make those if necessary. We will see how it goes...Oh and it's still January. Peace out! 

Cozy and comfy.


I ordered this branch light. I miss my Christmas lights and need this light. Winter is dark and long!

I made homemade frosting for our cooking lab on Friday and I had leftover and was not letting that hard work go to waste. I came home and made sugar cookies. I love these sugar cookies so much! 

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