Sunday, March 12, 2023

Tropical plants?

This past week has been challenging but I made it through. My job (especially during the sewing unit) is exhausting and if I have personal stuff going on I can't function normally. Luckily I knew this and asked for some help last weekend and some of my friends came and helped me cut fabric for 2 hours. One of them brought me dinner on Monday night. I made 2 dinners on Sunday night for the week and Hart and Jory brought over pizza Thursday night. Another friend did a grocery delivery and brought dinner and treats and more! It was SO nice to have some extra support because I didn't have the energy to grieve and function. I was able to come home and pretty much do nothing after work and recover for the next day. Trying to help a classroom full of 8th graders how to sew is REALLY REALLY hard. Luckily all of my classes have better behavior this semester so I'm just dealing with running from one messed up bobbin to the next and trying to explain seam allowance and I might as well be speaking Chinese. My 4th period does have behavior problems and I asked the behavior specialist to come and help me. I cannot help everyone sew and manage behavior on top of that. I might try to see if I can kick one student out, it would make ALL OF THE DIFFERENCE. 

This weekend has been nice, I haven't had to do any work and I had just enough down time and time to do errands and other things. Scott is a total gardening nut. He has been working on building a greenhouse next to the shed and he's ordered so many trees and plants. Tropical trees in Idaho, this will be interesting. 

After I finished my Master's last year another teacher told me about easy professional development credits at NNU. At the time I was like ahh don't tell me that, but after a few weeks of down time I felt like I could start working on earning my last 30 credits and maxing out my pay. I took 9 classes last summer but they cut me off and I couldn't take any more so I planned on taking the last 5 classes this coming summer. A few months ago I felt like I would rather take one class a month and be done before summer started rather than having to do it during the summer time! I started and got on a roll and just finished them all up in a couple of months instead. I won't get my pay bump until next school year but I don't have to worry about taking any more classes until I need to renew my license in 5 years. I am so excited. I've been taking classes pretty much straight for the last 2 1/2 years and I've earned 69 credits. I'm very excited to be done taking classes and I already have plans for future non academic projects. 

Grieving is weird when a person in your life dies and they aren't in your regular daily life. It makes it difficult to process. I am looking forward to going to Utah to the celebration of life ceremony and grieving and seeing everyone. It's just really sad and hard to fathom. 

I love this picture so much! haha.

Many more trees and plants to come!

So many trees.

Scott has been working tirelessly for the last 2 days. He is now exhausted!

I came home to a tropical forest on Friday. 


Bunk party.

We went and saw my friend Rachel's new baby chicks.
This has been on my computer since last summer. I finally got to take it down!


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