Sunday, April 16, 2023

Weekly Update

I have less than 6 weeks left of school and I can't wait! For whatever reason I haven't had as much work lately. I haven't worked on the weekend or after school for a few weeks now. It's so nice! The weather is still  not very good but it's slowly getting better. I went on two walks last weekend and it was great. Scott has been busy this weekend building a door for his greenhouse and changing out the plastic on the greenhouse for a better type of plastic, there's definitely been a learning curve with this project. I leave for Disneyworld in 4 days! It's coming right up. I'm looking forward to it but also not because I think it will be pretty exhausting and I will get home late Monday night and have to work the rest of the week next week so I will need to conserve energy any chance I get. Now for puppy pictures...oh and other people too I guess.

Scott got the kids their own debit cards so they can start using their own money.

Summerwind's Bingo night. 

Ryan wrote a comic book called "The Bacon Boy and Chunk Man" he to me about their adventures with more adventures to come.


Working hard.

All of the greenhouse trees. Scott doesn't mess around when it comes to gardening. 

Piper's Backbend Walk

Sunday, April 9, 2023

It's Easter

There isn't too much to talk about. School is whatever, I'm burned out and counting down the weeks, (7). We put our pet rats Kiwi and Pixie down last week. We have been trying to talk Gabby into it since October. Kiwi had a tumor or tumors that were bigger than she was and it was grotesque to look at and Pixie was starting to develop them. It took her a long time to come around but Gabby understood that it was the more compassionate thing to do for them at this point. She was sad for them that they didn't have a better life. They were mean rats and Gabby still loved them. It has been hard for me to be empathetic, compassionate, and patient with this process but I've tired and I would be lying if I didn't say I'm relieved to be rat free in our house once again. 

Nana did the heavy lifting on Easter last weekend but my kids still like a basket from me and today we dyed Easter eggs and I'm making an Easter dinner for tonight. I need to go shell a bunch of eggs. My kids love our tradition of deviled eggs on Easter. The weather is so nice today! HOORAY!!! I love the weekends so much. I didn't have any work to do this weekend and I'm so glad. 

Piper's friend Sophina joined us in dying eggs this year.

Piper is stretching and practicing her back bend flips every day. This girl is determined. 

Sometimes Charly will lick her face while she is trying to hold this position. Haha.

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Sarah's Celebration of Life

I put away the sewing machines last week. It felt so good to be done! The backpack project was a much harder project than I’ve tried to tackle in the past and it felt like a disaster and a mistake but in the end 76/77 students finished their bags and the worst grade I gave was a C (the one student has been MIA for 2 weeks). Early on it seemed like I wouldn’t have one student succeed and to have basically all of them succeed was amazing! It felt good to put the machines away though, it was exhausting to help students all day learn how to sew…exhausting! 

I took work off Friday so we could come down to Utah to attend Sarah’s celebration of life service. Scott flew down on Tuesday to help comfort and support Clark. I had to drive which is not my favorite and driving in Utah stresses me right out. I do not do well on the freeway but I did it. I can do hard things! 

I could not believe how many people came to the service. Most people showed up in track suits or dressed up because Sarah loved to dress up! It was so fun to see people go all out to honor Sarah. I wish we would have taken a big picture of all of the many many tracksuits. Some were matching and epic! She was such an extrovert and loved everyone. People shared memories of her and so many people said Sarah was her best friend. She was so kind, loving, and accepting. She was truly special and we will miss her. We are sad for Clark and for his loss. 

It was fun to see Scott’s family and my kids have so much fun playing with their cousins. Nana put together an Easter egg hunt and massive Easter baskets. It was great! Now to get ready for the work week. 

Cutest Charly.

Ryan wanting to strike a pose after seeing Piper.

Piper is a very determined person. She has been working on her flexibility and stretching everyday for a long time.

Nicole made the program and it was beautiful. I should have taken a picture of the last page with her life story.

Noel made a "remembering Sarah" video and it was so good and special.
The room was packed! 

I love when Charly lays in my lap!

The kiddos getting ready to go out to the Easter Egg Hunt!