Sunday, April 9, 2023

It's Easter

There isn't too much to talk about. School is whatever, I'm burned out and counting down the weeks, (7). We put our pet rats Kiwi and Pixie down last week. We have been trying to talk Gabby into it since October. Kiwi had a tumor or tumors that were bigger than she was and it was grotesque to look at and Pixie was starting to develop them. It took her a long time to come around but Gabby understood that it was the more compassionate thing to do for them at this point. She was sad for them that they didn't have a better life. They were mean rats and Gabby still loved them. It has been hard for me to be empathetic, compassionate, and patient with this process but I've tired and I would be lying if I didn't say I'm relieved to be rat free in our house once again. 

Nana did the heavy lifting on Easter last weekend but my kids still like a basket from me and today we dyed Easter eggs and I'm making an Easter dinner for tonight. I need to go shell a bunch of eggs. My kids love our tradition of deviled eggs on Easter. The weather is so nice today! HOORAY!!! I love the weekends so much. I didn't have any work to do this weekend and I'm so glad. 

Piper's friend Sophina joined us in dying eggs this year.

Piper is stretching and practicing her back bend flips every day. This girl is determined. 

Sometimes Charly will lick her face while she is trying to hold this position. Haha.

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