Sunday, October 22, 2023

Parent Teacher Conference Week

Wahoo, I made it through the dreaded parent teacher conferences. I always worry a parent is going to come at me (hasn't happened at parent teacher conference...yet) and it's just tiring to work 2, 12 hour days in a row. It wasn't bad though. They feed us dinner and I'm able to do work on my computer during down time. I usually have quite a bit of downtime since parents aren't generally too concerned about their child's grade in Teen Living. If the parent is quiet and the kid is doing great I have nothing to say and that can be awkward but I got through. I asked Scott to keep the kids on Tuesday night to help conserve time and energy resources. I also asked him to drive the kids to my house on Wednesday night to again save time and energy and he did and that was so nice. We always get a day off of work during parent teacher conference week and that is the best. I ran some errands. I tried to get a new license thinking my new social security card would be sufficient but no, they needed to see my divorce decree. That was a big waste of time. I will have to do that next week. I went ahead and got the regular flu shot and the covid flu shot. We will see if it helps. I couldn't talk any of my kids into get them. I just figure it might help so why not. I am around a million germs everyday and need all the help I can get.

I have the kids and we are mostly just hanging out this weekend. I think we might go to my brother's climbing gym today and clean the house. I take them to Scott's tonight. I wish they could stay with me all of the time. 

Ryan is earning a free Wahooz pass by getting exercise through his school. He is very diligent and makes sure to cross things off of his chart everyday. 

You can't read it great but his teacher said Ryan is doing great. At first I thought she had a giant list of concerns for him but then I noticed there wasn't one check mark next to the areas of concerns. Good work Ryan!

Gabby asked me to make cookies Thursday night. This was such a good batch! 

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