Sunday, May 5, 2024

A Lot of Happenings

I only have 3 more Mondays of work. What! I'm super excited. This school year has been good but it's still a tiring job. I'm kind of sad to be leaving North. It's hard to start over. I really do like junior high kids a lot. They are kind of the best and the worst. Borah will be interesting next year for sure.

Gabe and Christy took their daughter Brigitte to Paris and I helped babysit their other 4 kids for 8 days. It wasn't as tiring as I thought it would be. They also hired another girl to help at night and in the mornings and during the day while I was at work. It worked out really well and it was helpful to have someone else so I could go home and shower and get ready for the day at my house. The older boys helped too and would watch their brothers when I needed to run errands. It was still tiring though and Tuesday night when it was done I was wiped out.  I'm mostly happy to have that off of my mental list of things to do. It worked out well and it really helps that I've spent so much time with Gabe's family since my divorce and I know his kids very well. 

My kids have been on a weird schedule trying to coordinate babysitting and I also wanted to switch weeks. I had them for 11 days and then Scott had them for 11 days. They've had a short week with me this week because of that and none of us are ready for the house transition. Piper got an expander in her mouth last week. It's this giant piece of metal at the roof of her mouth. She is having a hard time eating and talking right now. I think she has to have it for at least 6 months. Woof. 

Making a baby with science is kind of crazy. Everything has to be very exact. I had an ultrasound on Tuesday and the lining of my uterus was not where they wanted it to be so I had to take some additional medication. I went in for another ultra sound on Friday and my lining thickened up. My blood work was also where they wanted it to be so we are able to proceed with the May 9th embryo transfer. I had to start daily progesterone shots yesterday and my shot yesterday hurt a lot and made me really sore but I already did another shot today and it wasn't bad at all. It's tricky to get the shots in the right spot and it's kind of hard to do the shots myself as they are given in a specific spot in the buttocks. I'm going to be nervous for the next several weeks that the transfer happens like it's supposed to and that the baby sticks. The rate is 60%. Fingers crossed for a sticky baby! 

Charly is just the cutest.

Gabby and Corbin have been enjoying getting out and doing sport activities this spring. 

Piper is helping Ryan crochet his very own wooble. 

Ryan watching the tutorial video trying to figure it out.

Cute nephews.

This is Mittens. He is a monster. We survived each other.

I love when Mittens sits like a fat human. 

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