Saturday, December 21, 2024

Christmas Break!

Wahoo! I made it! I've had some hard semesters so it's hard to know if this was the biggest relief I've felt at break but I've never been so taxed physically trying to get to break. My body shifted at Thanksgiving break. I really overworked myself the week before and I don't know if that's what did it but I haven't recovered. The week before Thanksgiving break I painted the wall in my room and I helped with Toys for Toys and Rake up Boise and my body shut me down after that. I was basically on the couch all of Thanksgiving break and have tried to limit my movement since then. I stopped exercising and I sat as much as possible at school. My body feels weird when I walk and it doesn't feel worth the stress of not knowing if movement could complicate things for me. I will start exercising again after the baby is born...I hope! The baby for sure needs to cook for 2 more weeks and after that she could probably safely come. I will continue to take it easy for the rest of the pregnancy. 

Before my body shut down I definitely channeled my nesting into my room. This room is giant but it was filled with SO MUCH STUFF. I had my TA's and students load carloads of stuff for me to donate and had them take tons of stuff to the trash. I feel like I can breathe in my room now. It's SO NICE! The room feels clean, light, and fresh now. 

I'm really happy to have made it through my first semester at Borah. It really is hard to teach something new everyday but I did it. I am dreading next semester as I will continue to have to teach all new and figure out a lot of stuff especially for culinary. Ugh. One day at a time. For now, it's time for a break!






Gabby is to the left of the tree.

Gabby moved to the right of the teacher.

Gabby and Piper are in the same dance class. They just had a closed recital for the parents at the studio.

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