Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Flu, Furniture, and the Cannons

This week we have been dealing with on again off again random stomach flu sickness. It started Monday night with Gabby barfing several times. Then Tuesday night Corbin barfed in the night. Thursday night Piper barfed a little after her bedtime bottle. When I went back to get her up on Friday morning I noticed that it smelled horribly. I picked her up and noticed there was dried barf all through her hair and all over her jammies. Then I looked in the pack n play and there was piles of dried barf everywhere. Wow Piper, who barfs all over and goes right back to sleep. Gross! Poor baby slept like that for who knows how long. We took the pack n play outside to air out and it's still out there 2 days later. We also had to have the fan on all day in our bathroom and the window open. It still smelled a little the next day. Wowza!

Anyway back to the stomach flu, I have felt a bit queasy on and off all week but last night I felt really sick. Then when I got up this morning I felt really, really sick. I am still sick right now, and I'm hoping that I will be better in the morning. I didn't go to church today. That makes for a really long, boring day. Hooray for church.

In less disgusting news the Cannons came up this weekend. They brought us newly refurbished furniture for our bedroom. We got everything in and put away. I am now on the hunt for a new bedspread and new color scheme for my bedroom. I don't feel like the old one fits with the new furniture. Our night stands and headboard don't match the new furniture so I'm not quite sure what to do about that yet. I'm having visions of Mod Podging fabric on the nightstands and getting rid of the headboard. Scott is not so sure of my schemes. Neither am I quite frankly.

Nana, Papa, Carole, Nicole and Rustin came up. We went downtown around lunch time on Saturday to check out the Art in the Park but it was insanely busy and we bagged trying to find a parking spot. We also wanted to eat lunch Downtown but found the same parking problem so we went to a Pizza place by BSU campus. After that it was nap time for almost everyone. I spent several hours finding new homes for our clothes and other things in our new dressers. After naps Scott took a group and they went to DeMeyer park and floated the ditch with the kids. Janet, Carole, and I did some shopping. After that it was late dinner and even later shakes at Sonic. Taking our kids to Sonic at 10:00 at night in their pajamas might have been the favorite moment of the weekend. That was fun. After that we forced ourselves to play a few card games and then it was night night. Today we went and had the continental breakfast at the Cannon's hotel and then they headed out. It was a quick weekend but our kids loved it so much. They LOVE the Cannons.
On Monday night when Gabby got sick I decided some cuddles in bed were in order. We watched Tangled. We bought a new TV for our bedroom by the way. I never wanted to have one in there but I am loving it.

Crab-apple muncher.

Corbin: "Gabby do you love me?" Gabby: "Ya" Corbin: "Heavenly Father loves you." Gabby "Ya, and Jesus." I overheard that conversation the other day. So cute.

Pack in play outside means fun fort adventures for the kids.

1 comment:

  1. what happened to your old blog!!!? i hope all of your old pictures are not lost!!!! i've got to get my old posts printed off so i don't lose them! i like your new blog address :) it's cute! i'm sorry you were so sick. what a bummer! i hope you are all feeling better!
    can't wait to see what creative thing you come up with your bedroom! i'm sure it will be fabulous!
    p.s. everyone judges me bc we have a tv in our bedroom, but isn't it the BEST?! i seriously love it! we just have a totally ghetto old-school tv, but it is so nice to be able to put movies on or watch your favorite show when you're not feeling well. i think you'll love it!!
