Sunday, September 23, 2012

Weekly Update

Gabby is doing amazing with her potty training. She is 100% trained and she regulates herself. What a relief! I'm so happy. I trained her on a little potty but I hate them and I think they are disgusting. I already got rid of it. I kind of tested her out to see how she would react and she seemed fine. I told her the potty fairy was going to come and take her potty away and she would use the big potty. She thought this sounded pretty interesting and like something a big girl would want to do. I told her the potty fairy would take her potty and leave a present behind. On Saturday morning in Gabby's tired state she went to use the potty and her toilet was gone. She started to get upset but I showed her the present that the potty fairy left and she was fine. She has been great about using the big potty. Hurray! So proud of her, and myself! Ha.

My big goal this year is focusing on Corbin's pre-schooling and it's not great. He's not super into it. He never has been. That's okay. I decided I just need to figure out a reward system that works well for him. I will just try to reward him for his efforts and work. My goal is to just work on something everyday. I hope to do big fun projects sometimes but mostly just to review and do something small everyday.  For me it's overwhelming to try to have hours of organized lesson plans and activities. It's not going to happen. So rather than do that I will just try to do SOMETHING everyday.

Piper had her one year appointment. This girl is skinny. She is my smallest baby yet. The doctor seemed a little concerned but I'm not. For the most part she eats a lot. Plus what she does eat is healthy. Would it be better is she weighed 30 pounds but only ate cookies and crackers? I don't think so. I will just have to douse her vegetables in olive oil or something.

On Friday morning we took a trip out to Caldwell to the church farms and got some fruit. On the way back each of the kids were munching on some fruit and they were happy campers. I tried to take a picture but none of them turned out.

I didn't take any other pictures this week. I will have to do better next week. 

Pipers' 1 year stats?
Can you tell she's my third? I can't find the slip. She only weighs a little over 17 pounds. She is 5th percentile in weight, 50th in height and I don't even know what her head circ. is.

Check out Gabby and Corbin here.


  1. i feel like i haven't checked your blog in forever!!! i need to add the new address so i get notified when it updates! :)

    i LOVE your furniture redos. the bookshelf is SO cute! and i really like your new bed spread! how fun to re-decorate! i love it!

    congrats on getting gabby all potty trained. jax doesn't have accidents anymore but i feel like i still need to remind him to go potty during the day (and i do). it's annoying. i messed up somewhere but at least it's better than changing a diaper!

    and whoa, piper's stats are SMALL! she honestly doesn't look that small to me. she looks like she would fall more into the 50th! she's so cute!!!

  2. Glad that Gabby has taken so easily to being potty trained. That's great. Good for you for trying to do something "preschooly" every day with Corbin. Just having exposure is good for them. Bryson was never on the charts, mostly because he was eating fruits and vegetables, but he's just fine. Doctors tend to make a bigger deal of it than I think they need to just because your kids isn't stuffing themselves with french fries and ice cream. Anyway, good luck with all that you've got going on.
