Sunday, December 10, 2017

Dance Recital

Well I had another busy week. I ended up subbing the whole week! I'm so over it. This week I will hopefully only be doing half days in the morning. That should fly by and after that I hope I am done! Fingers crossed! We worked out the long term subbing situation though so I should be getting long term sub pay which is awesome. 

The girls had their dance recital on Friday night. They did so good! Gabby is a performer and she goes all out with her moves and her facial expressions. Piper did really well. I was super impressed that she was able to keep up with the older girls. The dance was a lot more difficult than anything she did at her last dance studio. She did great! 

On Saturday night I got together with some friends. We were going to have a baking night but we decided we were too tired for such nonsense so we just talked and watched a movie instead. Today I got some Christmas shopping done. I need to get geared up for another work week. 

We seem to be all clear from any lice. Fingers crossed we didn't miss any eggs or nits! 

Ryan quote: "Mom, can we get in the car and zoom and get chips?" Ha. He is a beast, he straight up stuck his tongue out to me yesterday. I don't think any of my other kids have ever done that! I tried to not give him any reaction and left the room to tell Scott. Ha. The little beast! 

Ryan was trying to give Piper a piggy back ride. It didn't work so well. 

A big box can be so entertaining. 

Piper was giving Corbin a back rub. Ha. 

I was so tired on Thursday and I had a headache. I locked myself in the bathroom and laid down on the cement floor for 10 minutes during my lunch break and tried to take a power nap. That was a new low. Ha. Luckily I survived and felt okay on Friday.

Cute little dancers.

Gabby got molding clay from the dollar store and made over 50 creations. I honestly have no room for the amount of stuff she manages to create and accumulate. It is pretty fun to watch though.

I decorated my VIPkid classroom for Christmas. Don't worry you can't see the string on the camera. 

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