Sunday, December 3, 2017

Lice! Lice! Lice!

I've been dreading this day, but I figured it was inevitable. What I failed to imagine in the scenario that one of my children got lice is that I would get it too. It makes perfect sense considering my girls use my hair brush all the time. Naturally I am blaming the infestation on them. Ha. I assume they got it at school. My head has been itching for weeks but I didn't really think about lice. I've never had lice before and never seen it in real life. Growing up nobody in my family ever got it that I know of. Gabby had been complaining about an itchy scalp as well. She had me check for lice but I didn't see anything (I obviously didn't know what to look for because she was infested with it). I got some massive texts while I was at work on Friday that the girls had lice. Scott saw one move while he was doing Piper's hair. Gross! He then quickly spotted one on Gabby's head as well. Without really thinking he sent them to school. He quickly called the school and told them he thought the girls had lice. The nurse talked to him for awhile about how to get rid of them. They didn't send the girls home which surprised me. I just waited out my work day as well. I figure I'd had lice for awhile now not knowing so what was a few more hours. As soon as I got home I was on lice detail and have been ever since. Scott had already done several loads of laundry and was picking nits and bugs from Piper's hair. SO GROSS! I went ahead and did a treatment on all the kids to be safe. The girls and I have been through many rounds of treatments (I'm doing a lot more than they tell you to). Scott has spent hours upon hours picking out bugs, nits, and eggs. The nits are so small. I cannot even believe it. No wonder I didn't spot anything. The full size bugs are very small as well. So far every time Scott picks through our hair he is still finding eggs and nits albeit less and less every time. Poor Gabby had SO MANY!!! We chopped her hair right off. There was no way we could deal with long curly hair with that many lice happening. She's been a good sport about it. Her hair does look cute short. She is supposed to have her hair up in a high pony for her dance recital on Friday. Oh well. She also missed a birthday party as well which was a bummer. We will still be going back to school and work tomorrow. The nurse said the bugs are what spreads not the nits. We will keep doing treatments and combing out the nits one by one. I have been doing laundry all weekend straight. I really hope we can get rid of everything and that nothing comes back. My sister has been fighting lice for months. Just a few nits at a time I think but still, be gone! 

My sub job was supposed to be finished at Thanksgiving break but I've still been working everyday. The teacher is finding that returning to work as a PE teacher and recovering from an ACL surgery is not turning out to be so easy. The teacher came in on Monday and Tuesday and was there for half the day to ease her way back in and I still did everything. On Wednesday she tried half a day by herself and had me join her in the afternoon. She was planning on working by herself on Thursday and Friday but ended up getting sick so I worked both days. She wants me to come tomorrow for sure. I'm not sure about the rest of the week. The kicker is that if I work for 20 days I get long term sub pay. After tomorrow I will be on day 19! I told her and I'm hoping she will just throw me a bone and let me work on Tuesday regardless just to earn that extra pay. We'll see. It may not work out anyway because I only worked a half day on Wednesday. The job was originally supposed to be 13 days so I wasn't really worried about long term sub pay because that wasn't in the picture. Now that I'm so close I will be a little frustrated if I don't get it.We will see what happens. I'm hoping for a little Christmas miracle. Who knows I may end up working all week again. Teaching middle school PE without being very mobile would be very difficult. I'm ready to be done with that job. Working 10 hour days is intense. It has been a pretty good gig though. It's been fun mostly. I will miss the students when I leave (not all of them). Ha.

Scott hasn't noticed any difference with using the c-pap machine. The difference I've noticed is that I can't hear him breathing at all and the machine is super quiet. It's been pretty good for my sleep quality. Ha.

Oh the horror!


Seriously, how is he so cute?



True love!

Cute curls!

My friend who lives all the way in Tennessee ordered us in dinner. That was sooo thoughtful of her. If I know anyone is dealing with lice I am taking them dinner!


  1. Lice! Oh my gosh! Your story is scary. It reminds me of Christie's almost lice story. While I was reading this I noticed my head starting to itch!!! The power of suggestion. Hope you are all de-loused for Christmas! Good luck to the girls on their dance recital this Friday! Send pictures. I wish we could be there. Love you guys - Nana

  2. It would help for parents or schools to make children aware of the chance of head lice break out If a use is occurring at a school, the school should make children and parents aware, so that if they experience a breakout, it is not so traumatic.
