Sunday, June 26, 2022

Summer Things

This past week was great. The kids went swimming, went to parks, went to art camp, all the things. Corbin is going into high school and is not into any of those things anymore. I make him go walk at the park for 30 minutes if he isn't going to join us on our outings. I completed my first professional development class from NNU and they are very doable. I want to try to finish all 30 credits before school starts. If I'm able to finish I will make 14,0000 more dollars this year compared to last year. I can do it! I'm doing the same job either way...I might as well get paid more. 

We started Ryan's Therapee. I ordered a system online that was kind of expensive but it helps motivate me to work with Ryan and the system will help Ryan as well I think. We will see what happens. I figure we will give this a go this summer and if it works AWESOME, if not we will put it away and try again next summer. You put a sensor pad under the mattress and an alarm goes off if he starts to pee. This is supposed to eventually make his subconscious more aware and he will hopefully wake himself up rather than wetting the bed. I found a free crib mattress online that is easy to wipe. I bought some cheap sheets at a thrift store. Ryan woke up dry the first two mornings somehow miraculously. He was SO happy! He has had to get up to the alarm once in the night the last two nights. We already have a spare set of clothes and bed sheet read to go. He gets up and finishing peeing and changes his clothes. I quickly wipe up of the pad and mattress, back to bed. It's not bad. I hope it works! 

My big family reunion is this week. We are camping. I have tent camped in 10 years...10 years. I am dreading that part a lot. I think the kids will have fun and I am looking forward to the day at Bear Lake and Lava Hot Springs. Wish us luck! 

Ryan's therapee set up. After two days I realized he stays put on the crib mattress so we got rid of the tarp. (I didn't want him to fall of his mattress and pee on my carpet). 


Ryan going through the program info for his therapee.

Gabby's tie dye.

Ryan's tie dye.

Piper's tie dye.

They played at Discovery park forever! I needed my laptop or book. Next time. 

Art camp painting.

Art camp.

Helping husk the corn.

Corbin cooked the meat for freezing and for tacos for dinner. Gabby cut the tomatoes.

Enjoying the new swing.

Ryan loves to climb trees!

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